The sandbox of Area 51

The sandbox of Area 51

13 men entered the sandbox of area 51 and true to its mystic, pain was handed out by crabcake and cottontail.

Crabcake on Q

25 merkins  (The mumble chatter begins)

SSH x25 in cadence

25 merkins

IW x 25 in cadence

25 merkins

LBC x 25 in cadence

25 merkins

Squats x25 in cadence

Jog to front of school for set of 6’s of BTW shoulder press and merkins.

5 BTW w/shoulder press; 1 merkins with feet on wall

4BTW w/shoulder press; 2 merkins with feet on wall  (Believe an audible was here and did rest of merkins with feet firmly on the ground.  Finished with 3 presses and 3 merkins.  I think you can figure the rest.

Long jog to the rock pile.  This is where Matlock showed up.  Good to have you brother even 15min late.  Jog to parking lot for some Mary with your rock.

Russian twist x 25 in cadence

LBC x 25 in cadence

Greg Louganis x20 in cadence

V-ups x10 on your own

Crazy Ivan x 20 each side on your own

Return your rock and cottontail takes over

Jog to the playground for a circuit x3

Pull ups x10

Bench Dips x30

Squat kicks x15 each leg (Legs are burning at this point)

LBC x 30

PArtner Swaps

Partner 1 sprint to the grass; Partner 2 burps until P1 returns and flapjack

P1 Lung walk; P2 Burpees Flapjack

Can’t forget the abs

Dolly x25

Bicycle x25

Back scratcher x25

LBC x25

Find your partner another round of swaps

P1 Sprint to the end of lot; P2 Burpees and flapjack

P1 lunge walk; P2 Burpees

Circle up for 1 minute of elbow plank

Area 51 never fails to disappoint.  I can honestly say that some of this exercises I think up look better on paper and are a beast on the pitch.  Either way great work.


Great work on the south Charlotte, Area 51 shirts.  If you have not ordered one, get it now.

Every Sat in June, June F3 Dads, 9am at Frances Beaty Park.  The last 2 weeks have been great. Come and check it out.

See you out in the gloom.

About the author

Crabcake author

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11 years ago

Got to be a Kotters for 89. He hasn’t posted in forever. Welcome back brother!

Counter Top
11 years ago

Great beatdown on Saturday guys. Shoulders and Quads are still feelin the pain!

Slap Shot
Slap Shot
11 years ago

Hokie Stone and Scooter Time

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