Strong showing of South Charlotte’s Thursday many headed monster workout Hydra. Right from the start this workout had the making for some hard work as we went right to track for laps and burpees. We ended with 110 burpees on the day and the pain was consistent through out.
26 men posted and YHC counted at least 5 pax who accepted the run/bike to workout option. Nice extra cardio/mileage bookends to your hydra pain!
The Thang:
Bugeater Q:
2 Laps around track, 10 burpees at end of each lap
Jog to rear parking lot of school
Side Straddle Hop x 25
Imperial Walkers x 15
Merkins x 20
Air Squats x 20
Carolina Dry Dock x 20
Jog to concessions (and not for the nachos)
Circuit Work: 30-20-10’s
Dips x 30
Step Ups / Wall Jumps x 20
Burpees x 10
Rinse & repeat 3 times
Jog to playground, and partner up.
Old School Situps x 25
Pullups x 10 (assisted or unassisted)
23 minute 1/2 way Q Switch – Here comes Donkey Kong
Mosey to field and circle up
25 Burpees on your own
Jack Webb Ladder (1 pushup x 4 arm raises) up from 1 to 8 (8 pushups x 32 arm raises)
25 Burpees on your own
Jack Webb Ladder down from 8 to 1 (Starting with 8 pushups x 32 arm raises and decreasing by units of 1 x 4)
Flutter Kicks x 30
Rosilita x 30
Bicycle x 30
Mosey to left side of field
Bear Crawl x 40 yards
10 Burpees on your own
Crab Crawl x 40 yards
Plank-O-Rama (Regular, Right Arm/Leg High, Regular, Left Arm/Leg High, Regular, Right/Left-Handed Balboas)
Lunge Walk x 40 yards
Attempted to do 10 Burpees on your own, but a general mutiny due to time overruled that exercise.
Mosey to parking lot for COT
*Total Burpee count for the morning = 110
-3 FNG’s posted. Welcome to the PAX – Maggot and Jelly Finger! I am sure folks will want to know the story behind those names I wanted no part of. That is the fun of it. We are sorry that our 3rd FNG disappeared. We think the Hydra Monster may have eaten him. Mall Cop will follow up to see if we can bring him back.
-Our favorite drink Zima return for a second Hydra showing after his FNG start last Thursday. Welcome back brother!
-Birdhole again made a showing at his Olde Providence Elementary alma mater. We won’t say what decade. R-E-S-P-E-C-T
-There was some fun-o-rama at the name game station today – good stuff. Q was turned by the PAX. Nice work group.
-The run/bike to workout is now a standard Hydra challenge during the warmer months. Those living more than 1 mile away can meet at the Food Lion in Candlewyck and run 1 mile to OPE.
-Let’s keep up the good numbers – keep coming back and remember we all have varying levels of experience. Do what you can, modify where you need, just keep coming back, and keep pushing yourself.
-Forgot to thank Mic Check in person for the work M Mic Check did with the news interview this week. Great to get some F3 run time and see our Rock work out leaders Mall Cop, Hops, and Run Stopper in the work out video and interviewed. Hops even went in studio to show off his TV skills. Thanks Mic Check!
-South Charlotte T-shirt orders upcoming. Two rounds of orders. Need 12 minimum each order. Mall Cop to send out email announcement and tweet it out. Thanks Mall Cop.
-Rain or Shine – 2nd F Pool Party – End of School/Start of Summer. June 8, 2013 6-9 PM. Candlewyck Pool/Clubhouse. Bring Dish/BYOB/Drinks, bring folding chairs. No Glass. M’s and 2.0′s welcome! (if lightning we will steer clear of the pool)
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