A Giant (Psycho T) Among Boys

A Giant (Psycho T) Among Boys

41 hearty souls made it out of the fart sack this morning to plant the ShoveFlag at DV in the Gloom

The Thang

COP led by Psycho T
SSH, Imperial “Walkahs”, Merkins, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters

Split into two groups: Group 1 stays with Psycho T, Group 2 goes with Skywalker for a stroll through the woods to the Davie Park playground

Psycho T’s #BeatDown
Animal Jams
Super set with Gassers
Animal Exercises: Bear Crawl, Crabwalk, Duckwalk, Donkey Kong, Jumping Wolverine

Skywalker’s #BeatDown
The Circuit of Pain: Swing Donkey Kicks x 30, Dips x 20, Step Ups x 20, Decline Merkins x 20
Rinse & Repeat until time is called
Mosey back to the football field

Groups switch off

The pax regroup at the school building and rest rooms for:
Roman Chair
Jump Ups
More Roman Chair
Jump Lunges
Dolly x 20
10 Burpees on your own
Freddie Mercury x 8 (YHC was so gassed that he couldn’t count any longer)
5 more Burpees on your own



– During YHC’s second round of the Circuit of Pain, YHC made a note to self: “Don’t ever create a workout that you don’t want to do twice in a row…”
-YHC heard lots of complaining during his part of the workout. That’s a sure sign that the #downPAINment was just right.
-Great job to Strange Brew for encouraging the pax to push it.
– Bananas brings out yet another FNG today. YHC thinks TR has convinced Bananas that he’s getting frequent Flyer miles for each guy that he EH’s. I mean, seriously, how many friends can the guy have??


-F3 Pool Party & Cookout THIS Saturday – view the link for the details: http://www.evite.com/event/018BAAQZXGK5ZYLR4EPCYYNVVFB2HY?utm_source=other_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=text&utm_campaign=invite&gid=018BAAPMT7N2NE3UEEPCYY7NTWXSMA

-Tclaps to M. Mic Check for her segment on F3 yesterday. View the segment here: http://www.wcnc.com/charlotte-today/F3-workout-210088791.html YHC hears that a name change is in the works for Run Stopper, aka Showtime.

– If you haven’t noticed, we have more than doubled the number of pax coming out in the last 6 months. We will likely double again in the next 4 months. That means we have to have more workouts which means we need more guys to lead. If you have been coming out to the workouts for 2-3 months, then you are ready to Q one – even if you think you aren’t. If you are concerned about leading an entire workout, reach out to any of the Site Q’s (listed at the bottom of the weekly emails). They will be happy to take 1/2 of a workout and let you do the other half. Or they may find someone else to co-Q with you. When I led my first couple of workouts, I was way out of my comfort zone. Most guys who now lead would tell you the same thing. So take the first step, reach out to a Site Q and lead 1/2 a workout. Aye!

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Skywalker author

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Stage Coach
11 years ago

Skywalker and Psycho T – Great workout today guys.

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