————-Posted by Tiger Rag on behalf of Might Mite———————————-
15 brave men showed up to the to The Maul for a rookie Q’s first downPAINment.
The Thang:
Short jog to the parking lot next to Firebirds for the warmup.
- SSH X 19….(rookie Q got excited and finished at 19 instead of 25)
- Shoulder Slappers X 20 (a little gift from Cadre Ben at the Raleigh GoRuck)
- Imperial Walkers X 25
- Mountain Climbers X 25
Jog over to the fountain for:
- 11’s: Jump Up/Dip ladder. Plank when finished.
Jog behind Jersey Mike’s and find a buddy for Partner Carry.
- Partner 1 carries for 30 yards to the first speed bump.
- Both partners: Merkins X 10
- Partner 2 carries for 30 yards to the next speed bump.
- Both partners: Merkins X 10.
- Repeato X 3. Plank
Now on the other side of target, Pax circles up for Jack Webb
- Merkkin/shoulder press: Up to 5 and back down
- Squat and high knee jump: Up to 3 and back down
Jog back to the loading dock
- Lunge walk 30 yds to first speed bump
- Bear crawl 30 yds to next speed bump
- Crab walk 30 yds to next speed bump
- Repeato
Jog behind the movie theater, find a spot on the wall
- Verkins(hand stand pushups) X 10
- People’s Chair for 30 seconds
- Repeato
Jog back to the starting point for some Mary
- LBC’s X 25
- Flutter X 25
- Rosalita X 25
- 1 Minute of Protractor led by Haggis
- Runstopper wanted to go through the Wendy’s drive thru on the way to the fountain. If we ever have breakfast during one of my Q’s, it’s going to be at Chik Fil A.
- After completing the GoRuck over the weekend the most difficult exercise for me this morning was the lunge walk of all things. Who would have thought?
- The gal in the bread truck said, “There goes all those men exercising again!”. Being in the middle of a bear crawl, all I could muster was a “Good morning, ma’am.”.
- Thanks to everyone for allowing me the opportunity to do this. Hopefully we’ll try it again sometime soon.
Announcements (from TR):
- Devil’s Turn: NEW LOCATION TOMORROW. You’ll meet at the green way entrance at Rea and Bevington (near Trader Joe’s and Starbucks). Time and format are the same. Since The Shore has traded his running shoes in for a spandex Clif Bar unitard, I’ll go ahead and write the backblast for it: “We ran that way for 2 or 3 miles. Then ran back. Something funny may have happened, too.”
- Hydra on at 0530 tomorrow. Meet at Food Lion and run in. Someone will tweet about that nonsense later. It’s about to get Untapped up in there.
- Day Zero Saturday: Go to McAlpine Elementary for Day Zero, 0700 to 0800. Purple Haze is on Q. Nicest turf in town.
- F3/Dads – A51 Remix Saturday 0900 – 1000 at Beatty Park. All ages and genders welcome. Header on Q. Be on the lookout for the preblast regarding meeting place.
- DMZ: New A51 workout starting Monday June 3, 0530 – 0615. Meet at Carmel Park on Carmel Rd. Skywalker and Hops on Q.
- HDHH at Vintner’s Wine Market at Arboretum, 1800-1930. Meet at Food Lion and run in.
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