Memorial Day Workout

Memorial Day Workout

42 men gathered today at The Matrix, in recognition of Memorial Day.

Kept it simple, no frills required:

Fast-paced trail run

Squats / Merkins / LBC X 17 each

Playground, for two cycles of:

-squats X20


-decline merkins X20

-pull ups X10

800 Meter Race

Little bit of Mary, with some merkins and squats to wash things down

Rock races

-50 yards out [with rock]; 30 merkins; 50 yards back

-50 yards out [with rock]; 20 squats; 50 yards back

-50 yards out [with rock]; 20 curls with rock; 50 yards back

Close out with merkins and Carolina Dry Docks


-Not much chatter today, as we were moving at a pretty fast clip.  Except for a few “three counts” the heart rate was running pretty high.

-On the trail run Your Humble Correspondent could hear someone close on my six.  As I sped up, he sped up; as I hit a full sprint, he hit a full sprint.  At the end I turned around and realized it was someone’s 2.0.  The best part was when he looked me in the eyes and said, “We lost ’em.”  Not as in, “I’m worried about my Dad back in the woods”… but more like… “we smoked ’em all”.  Whoever he is, I like the kid.

-O’Tannenbaum did a very graceful tumble when he tripped over the log at the entrance/exit to our trail run.  We may incorporate that into the workout next time.


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