Appropriate that the swan song for the McAlpine Greenway venue for Devil’s Turn was pretty well soaked, and yet 8 pax showed up to slog it out in the muck, well done men! We had 6 Metro Pax for whom YHC will likely not remember all the names but they powered through 6 miles with one of them absolutely flying out there (as per his watch was at a slightly faster than 7 min pace), well done! Swiss Miss as the lone 4 miler didn’t even break a sweat (was that possible with this humidity?) and is looking quite strong, stronger than he lets on I believe. A lot of fellowship chatter amongst the Metro pax as they cruised along (YHC can hear it for about the first and last mile).
Admittedly YHC got lost #O2Dep and forgot to take one of the veer rights and did some serious mud running (good practice), can’t say it was any faster after Fast Twitch, slower if anything due to a non recovery but good pain nonetheless.
Reminder that next week and beyond the new venue is at the Rea Road Greenway entrance with the same times (5:15 for 6 milers, 5:30 for 4 milers and 5:15 Clydesdales for as far as you can go)
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