A 13-Headed Monster Named Hydra

A 13-Headed Monster Named Hydra

13 hearty souls stepped forth on a moist Thursday morning to get after some pain and discomfort. None left disappointed.

The Thang:

Donkey Kong Lead –

Run to rear parking lot for warm-up and COP:

Side Straddle Hops x 30

Imperial Walkers x 30

Little Baby Crunches x 30

Mountain Climbers x 30

Slow Flutters x 30 w/ 20 second hold

Merkins x 10? (The Q got a little fuzzy here)

Run to rear pavilion area

10 Decline Merkins, 10 Dips, and 10 Burpees x 3 sets

Run around to front of school (watch out for the water hazards)

Bicycle x 30

Jack Webbs (1 Merkin + 4 Arm Raises) ladder up to 7 Merkins / 28 Arm Raises and back down


Bugeater Lead –

Partner wheel barrows x 60 yards – Flapjack halfway

Single Count Merkins x 10

Bear Crawl x 30 yards

Crab Walk x 30 yards

Drops x 10 (In-place foot shuffle with random call-outs to hit the deck for a Merkin)

High Knees x 30 yards

Lunge Walk x 30 yards

Jake Webb Legs: (1 Spartan burpees / 4 Air Squats) up to 5

Partner Sets x 2:

1. Old fashioned sit-ups x 25 (Crowd Pleaser)

2. Pull-ups x 10

Mosey back to field

Lunge Walk x 30 yards

Sprint x 30 yards

High Knees x 30 yards

Sprint x 30 yards



Several pax took on the additional challenge of biking, walking, or running to the workout this morning. Bugeater rode his bike over, Donkey Kong ran 2 miles each way from the Arboreatum, and Runstopper and one other (Sorry, I was loopy and O2 deprived by this point, no disrespect intended) ran in 1+ miles from the Food Lion. Anybody else? Sound off in the comments below and be recognized.


3rd F –  Chic-Fil-A @ the Arboretum, Friday @ 6:30

New Saturday workout – 7 am @ Mcalpine Elementary. If you’ve bee going to The Rock on Saturdays, why not try a change of location, as we are rapidly growing.

Friday – Kevlar, Bulldog on Q

Friday – Centurion, mystery Q, TBD

June 8, 6-9pm: Candlewyck pool party – bring you family, bring a dish, BYOB (cans only). Good times will be had by all. Burpees + Beer = What could be better?


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Donkey Kong author

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11 years ago

Big week for Donkey Kong… opens a twitter account, leads back-to-back workouts at DV on Wed and Hydra on Th, sneaks out to HDHH on Wednesday night… now he is authoring backblasts. What will you do next week for an encore?

11 years ago

It was Abacus that joined Runstopper for the warm-up run over from the Food Lion parking lot.

Nice lead from DK and Bugeater this morning. Double dose of Jack Webb gave us our money’s worth.

11 years ago

I heard that next week DK is going to post at Devils Turn without his headlamp or glasses.

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