40 men braved the gloom on a fine spring morning for a nice variety of downpainments! Salt lick led the group through the woods to the park and playground for the start of the workout:
Warm-up run around the parking lot
Next the group moved to the playground for a few pain stations (3 stations with pax split into 3 groups)
Salt Lick closed out the front end of the work-out with some “get to know your partner” exercises.
Baracus led the pax over to the hill, and then to another hill for some ladders
Mosey to the football field for some interval work
A record turnout today since the launch of “The Maul” at Stonecrest – 40 strong! Each week we are gaining a little sunlight during the workout, but clearly the headlamps were still needed today as we wandered through the woods. Those in front had no trouble finding the trail, but in the darkness it takes a long time to move 40 men in the same direction…and apparently not to be forgotten in the light too as YHC found out later when looking for a good ladder hill. Salt lick got us started with some great upper body pain stations (my shoulders are burning), but the crowd really enjoyed the partner exercises. The partner dip exercises had the pax talking. Some were wondering if they should have taken their partner to dinner first, while others felt the need for a cold shower. We certainly know each other better now!
YHC took over and led the pax over to the hill, where they could enjoy cat-calls from the ladies working out on the other side of the fence. After all were in position on the hill, Salt lick graciously pointed out that this was the wrong hill…..so there goes a couple of minutes that would save the pax from one extra sprint at the end of the workout. We finished with some intervals on the football field while after the sun came up, and despite my best effort to get one more sprint in we called it a day. Great work guys!
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