Death Valley Preblast- “Ready for the Mud Run?”

Death Valley Preblast- “Ready for the Mud Run?”

If the answer is “no”… show up.

If the answer is “I/we think so”…show up.

If the answer is “yes”….show up and prove it.

Launch time 0530.

Final pre-mud run endurance workout tomorrow morning at Death Valley.  45 minutes non-stop  with pain stations (the clock doesn’t stop for a “10 count” in the Mud Run!).  Tapering begins at 0615.

If you are looking for something a little more on the “lighter side” and are thinking about posting at the soft launch tomorrow at Stonecrest Tiger Rag will be there to deliver another Area 51 PAIN fest.


See you in the gloom.



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11 years ago

Oh no he didn’t. Poked the bear from the safety of your own (ripped off) workout.

If you are not ready for the MUN [sic] Run, it’s because you haven’t attended enough TR workouts. The only thing lighter about [UNNAMED STONECREST WORKOUT] will be the contents of your stomach.

Bonus observation: #Closetalkers were the ones choosing burpees at Stonehenge last Saturday. Your team asked me this morning if we’d be able to sleep on the bus on the way to the Mun [sic] Run.

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