

(…posted on behalf of Lex Luthor…)

The shovel flag was planted this morning and 28 (C.J. Spillers # for all you Clemson fans) men posted this morning in the cool 40 degree weather. Rookie Q, Lex Luthor, brought his stopwatch inspired workout “Taba…what” to The Matrix. The morning workout was laced with burpees which was a nod to Dora’s Burpee fest earlier in the year – don’t think that we got to the record of 161 but we tried. (…the list of guys that made it – if I missed you it was inadvertent so please reply and give me some stick next time you see me.)

The Thang

Jog to far end of the soccer field.

  • Side Straddle Hops – 26 (odd number to end on as the rookie Q forgot to stop at 25 – he was obviously having too much fun counting 1,2,3)
  • Merkins – 15
  • Mtn Climbers – 15

Tabata (5 sets)
Each exercise performed for 20 sec followed by 10 sec rest.

Set 1

  • Merkins
  • Carolina Drydock
  • Alternating Lunges – Forward
  • Alternating Lunges – Back
  • Repeato

Set 2

  • LBC’s
  • Squats
  • Side Lunges
  • Burpees
  • Repeato

Set 3

  • Plank
  • Side Plank on the Left
  • Side Plank on the Right
  • Burpees
  • Repeato

~ 1min break between sets

Set 4

  • Merkins
  • Jump Squat
  • Alternating Jump Lunges
  • Burpees
  • Repeato

Set 5

  • Mtn Climbers
  • Jump Squat (rotate 180 degrees with each jump)
  • High Knees
  • Burpees
  • Repeato

Herschel Walker (2 sets)

  • LBC’s (20x)
  • Sprint (30 yds)

“Burpees for your Bros” for those who finish early

  • Merkins (15x)
  • Sprint (30 yds)

“Burpees for your Bros” for those who finish early

Box Bear Tri (1 set due to time constraint)
Break into 3 groups with each starting with one of the following

  • Box Jump on the 12 tree stumps behind McKee (15x)
  • Bear Crawl to circle of benches in the woods ~30 yds away
  • Tri Dips (20x) – Bear Crawl back to the Box Jump
  • Wall Sits and Walking Lunges were added in for good measure so speed up the event and give some added pain for those who finished early.


  • Bicycle (20x)
  • Mason Twists (20x)
  • Flutter (15x)
  • Heels to Heaven (15x)


The rookie Q enjoyed the opportunity to put the crew through their paces – thanks Dora and Joker for the opportunity.

It took a few minutes for the chatter to start but the boys quickly made up for lost time and chided Lex for not yelling loud enough or not giving proper demonstration prior to the exercise (I enjoyed every moment of it).

It was great to see everyone pushing themselves through the Tabata part of the workout this morning. It was noted that you can do anything for 20 seconds and I believe that it was also pointed out by a member of the PAX that you can do some things twice. Please reply if you can give the proper attribution to the person who pointed this out as there are a couple of guys who are still doubled over in laughter from this one.

Some movie trivia lighted the mood with fan favorites – Tombstone, Dazed and Confused, and Batman making the rotation.

Great work out there by Chicken Wing (Buffalo’s finest) – I could see those Burpees from a mile away with that white hoodie – giddyup. Thanks to Fireman Ed and Irish Cream for posting at the Matrix – I know that you guys typically roll out of bed to Base Camp and I mean roll for Fireman Ed (he lives 100 yards away) but it was great to see you burn up some petrol and bring the pain. Not sure how we did it but I know that we snagged a Metro guy out in the burbs – cheers Corchiani. Who knew that F3 had made it past Pineville-Matthews Rd.


  • -Convergence at the Rock this Saturday at 7am for all of those who are not going on the Mud Run

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Dora author

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