43 Pax with 4 FNGs and 6 Double Downers assembled for a classic beatdown.
Runstopper Lead:
- Mirkins x25 in cadence
- LBCs x20 in cadence
- Mountain Climbers x20 in cadence
Jog to Far Side of Soccer field
JacK Webb
- 1 merkin x 4 arm raises
- 2 merkin x 8 arm raises
- 3 merkin X 12 arm raises
- 4 merkin X 16 arm raises
- Continue until 12 merkins x 50 arm raises (yeah math a bit fuzzy, but that was the merlot showing its ugly head from the night before)
Line Up along infield line
- Broad Jump then 1 berpee
- Broad Jump then 2 berpees
- Broad Jump then 3 berpees
- Continue for 40 yards
Lunge walk back to infield line, slow and steady #formbestwhenuslowthepax
Line Up along infield line in a squat
- From a squat position – move only right leg forward, side and back
- Stay in squat position – move only left leg forward, side and back
- repeat for 2 minutes
Tiger Rag Lead:
Mosey to parking for Mary
- One-legged Dolly x 10 (Hold ’em)
- Other-legged Dolly x 10
- One-legged flutter x 10 (Hold ’em)
- Other-legged flutter x 10
- One-legged Flutter Dolly x 9 (Hold ’em)
- Other-legged Flutter Dolly x 12
Focus on Form
- Slow Squat Jump x10 (3 count to bottom of squat. Hold.
- Jump x 7, Jump Knee Tucks x 3)
- Slow Merkin x 10 (3 count to bottom, aka 6″. Hold.
- Explode back to perfect plank)
- Squat Touch Switch x 20
Mosey to Entrance 4
- Sprint hill, then 10 perkins. Too many pax. Half to rock pile for something led by Stone Cold.
- The rest back to the bottom of the hill.
- Backwards sprint up hill, 10 diamonds
- Long stride (almost bounding) sprint, 10 wide arms
- Backwards long stride sprint up hill.
- Switch groups. Repeato.
- Mosey to shovel flag.
COT Moleskin
Mall Cop tossed a little fuel on the fire, by asking Runstopper is that all you got on the Jack Web! Causing a few more to be added to the count! #talkbadaboutjackugetjacked
Ocho Cinco sporting the new work uni from Ben & Jerry’s. #TootyFruity #rainbowsprinkles Nice of Bulldog to loan his race jersey to Hops’ 2.0, Barqs. Perfect fit. Welcome to FNG Blue Mold, a Nibbler EH.
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