Merlot vs Jack Webb

  • When:04/20/13
  • QIC: Runstopper and Tiger Rag
  • The PAX: Bananas, Hacker, Low Tide, High Tide, Baracus, Bugeater (DD), Big League Chew, Wolfman, Bulldog, Joker, Escargot (DD), Smash, Ocho Cinco (DD), Uncle Leo (DD), Purple Haze, Deep Dish, Stone Cold, Duff, Mic Check, Tiger Rag (DD), Runstopper, Beauregard (FNG Colin Sullivan), Sledge (FNG David Ford), Hammer, MallCop (DD), Swiper, Harley, Sweetness, Stagecoach, Ray Charles, Dora, Byron, Blue Mold (FNG Brent Hill), Thin Crust, Swiss Miss, Snakebite, Skywalker, Barqs, Hops, Pretty Boy QB, Faux Hawk (FNG Matthew Griffin), Goon, Hoffa

Merlot vs Jack Webb


43 Pax with 4 FNGs and 6 Double Downers assembled for a classic beatdown.

Runstopper Lead:

  • Mirkins x25 in cadence
  • LBCs x20 in cadence
  • Mountain Climbers x20 in cadence

Jog to Far Side of Soccer field

 JacK Webb

  • 1 merkin x 4 arm raises
  • 2 merkin x 8 arm raises
  • 3 merkin X 12 arm raises
  • 4 merkin X 16 arm raises
  • Continue until 12 merkins x 50 arm raises (yeah math a bit fuzzy, but that was the merlot showing its ugly head from the night before)

 Line Up along infield line

  • Broad Jump then 1 berpee
  • Broad Jump then 2 berpees
  • Broad Jump then 3 berpees
  • Continue for 40 yards

 Lunge walk back to infield line, slow and steady #formbestwhenuslowthepax

 Line Up along infield line in a squat

  • From a squat position – move only right leg forward, side and back
  • Stay in squat position – move only left leg forward, side and back
  • repeat for 2 minutes

 Tiger Rag Lead:

 Mosey to parking for Mary

  • One-legged Dolly x 10 (Hold ’em)
  • Other-legged Dolly x 10
  • One-legged flutter x 10 (Hold ’em)
  • Other-legged flutter x 10
  • One-legged Flutter Dolly x 9 (Hold ’em)
  • Other-legged Flutter Dolly x 12 

Focus on Form

  • Slow Squat Jump x10 (3 count to bottom of squat.  Hold. 
  • Jump x 7, Jump Knee Tucks x 3)
  • Slow Merkin x 10 (3 count to bottom, aka 6″.  Hold.
  • Explode back to perfect plank)
  • Squat Touch Switch x 20

 Mosey to Entrance 4

  • Sprint hill, then 10 perkins. Too many pax.  Half to rock pile for something led by Stone Cold. 
  • The rest back to the bottom of the hill.
  • Backwards sprint up hill, 10 diamonds
  • Long stride (almost bounding) sprint, 10 wide arms
  • Backwards long stride sprint up hill.  
  • Switch groups.  Repeato.
  • Mosey to shovel flag.  

 COT Moleskin

Mall Cop tossed a little fuel on the fire, by asking Runstopper is that all you got on the Jack Web! Causing a few more to be added to the count! #talkbadaboutjackugetjacked 

Ocho Cinco sporting the new work uni from Ben & Jerry’s.  #TootyFruity  #rainbowsprinkles Nice of Bulldog to loan his race jersey to Hops’ 2.0, Barqs.  Perfect fit.  Welcome to FNG Blue Mold, a Nibbler EH. 





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Run Stopper author

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11 years ago

That was a great beatdown by Run Stopper and TR! Awesome to see 43 Pax post.

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