Aye! The bell tolled and 32 strong men leapt from their fartsacks and scrambled into the chilly gloom for a down PAINment at Death Valley this morning. Header and YHC decided to make this a workout featuring our former collegiate sports – Header would run a soccer themed workout and YHC a baseball themed one. Very solid work this morning by all the pax.
The Thang
– Squats x 25
– SSH x 50
– LBC x 15
– Dolly x 15, hold ’em
– Flutter x 15, hold ’em (two 10 counts)
Count of into two groups, Group 1 goes with Header and Group 2 goes with Dolphin
Header-led Exercises
Little baby jog to track around football field
Run lap with pain stations around track
– 1st corner – Burpees x 5
– 2nd corner – Jump Squats x 5
– 3rd corner – Lunges x 5
– 4th corner – Merkins x 5
Rinse and repeat
Plankorama until all pax complete
LBC x 25
Louganis x 25
Mason Twist x 25
Bicycles x 25
All on your own count
10 Cone Slalom Course
Round 1: Side shuffles in between cones, 10 yard sprint back to start
Round 2: One foot hop over each cone, 10 yard sprint back to start
Round 3: Other foot hop over each cone, 10 yard sprint back to start
Pax do non stop LBCs while waiting (and after completing) each round
Mosey to bathroom building for People’s Chair before switching with Dolphin
Dolphin-led Exercises
Ugly Bases – Partner up, size does not matter
Partner 1
– Bear crawl to 1B, SSH x 10
– Side shuffle to 2B, Merkins x 10
– Side shuffle to 3B, Mountain Climbers x 10
– Bearkin Crawl* to Home, Squats x 10
*Bearkin crawl is bear crawl with a merkin every third step
Partner 2 does Jack Webbs (1 merkin with 4 air presses) while waiting for P1 to finish
Repeato with x 20 of same exercises at each base
Repeato with x 30 of same exercises at each base
Little baby jog back to parking lot
– Welcome to FNG Marcus Castro (F3 Fidel). Really, no doubt on what his nickname would be. Welcome to F3 and we hope you’ll be back many more times.
– Definitely a lot of variety in the workout today with YHC and Header working totally different muscle groups (with no pre planning on this either).
– Alligator Arms? Bulldog has perhaps the fastest count YHC has ever heard during the air presses for Jack Webbs. Just sayin’…
-Don’t Mess with Psycho T – was bringing some serious heat during Ugly Bases. Thought I saw a laugh/smirk. You’d think the guy was a professional athlete or something… Seriously, Psycho T led a very strong and inspirational closing prayer in COT reminding us all to turn to Christ for our strength. Amen to that brother! #3rdF #strong
– Seemed like all the pax enjoyed the workouts. YHC can’t speak for Header but “Ugly Bases” will definitely be back since it was so enjoyed by all the pax. #crowdpleaser
– Devil’s Turn tomorrow AM at McAlpine Greenway off of Sardis Road. 5:15 for 6 miles and 5:30 for 4 miles.
– Billingsville tutoring continuing again tonight and every Wednesday. Great way to impact a young person and refresh yourself with 3rd grade math.
– Remember to make it a point to lift each other up and check on folks that you know or believe may be struggling. Let’s all turn attention to each other so that F3 is not just a workout group. #notcrossfit
This week we celebrate Easter and we should all be mindful of Christ’s sacrifice and that by following Him we get something we do not deserve – eternal life. #grace Pews will likely be full at church Sunday. Use this time as an opportunity to minister to and encourage folks who do not attend church regularly. #Hisexample
All I got brothers.
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