2 pax ran 4 miles and 5 GoRuckers played in the mud to wet the appetite for Saturday.
The Thang:
PBQ and The Drill took in a quiet 4 miles without their faithful friend Ray Charles (we missed you brother, hope you heal up soon!)
Strange Brew and The Shore took in an easy 1 mile before the real fun…
The Real Fun:
Ball of Man jog. With Flag. No Coupons.
Elephant Walk. Inch Worm Push-Ups. Tunnel Crawl. Bear Crawl.
Woodsy jog.
Return to Base.
The Moleskin:
Ray Charles had an MRI yesterday. Pray for fast and good healing. We hope to see you out in the gloom again soon!
Did you read the Thang? Did you notice Strange Brew was out there at 5:15 running extra? One man is working harder than everyone. And he’s gaining ground on you all!
Bugeater lead us into a dark crevase this morning. Sink holes, logs, and slippery slopes were everywhere. It this had been a real invasion, perhaps an ambush would have spelled our doom. But in the spirit of the GoRuck, our leader lead, and we followed.
Those packs feel lighter than they did a month ago!
Announcements: Saturday 10pm (9:30 arrival!) GoRuck. 10:30 – snow? (we can only hope).
Thursday (next week): 5:15am or 5:30 am – back to running at the Devil’s Turn!
See you then!
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