16 PAX, including 2 returning FNGs, braved the frozen tundra as temp gauge indicated 28 degrees at the start. However, the blood was flowing after first 1/2 hour and several of the PAX were lightening their load a layer at a time.
The Thang
- SSHx20
- IWx20
- Ski Absx10
- In&Outsx10
Pentagon of Pain – sprint to each light pole, exercise and back
- Station 1 – 20 civilian count LBCs
- Station 2 – 20 Squats
- Station 3 – 20 lunges
- Station 4 – 20 merkins
- Station 5 – 20 jump squats
- Sprint back and plank
Superbowl Shuffle
- Run in place with ladder merkins (1, 2, 3 etc. through 10 then back down)
- Fence Duck and Hops
- Mosey to back
- 3x tire hops and log jumps (heard more than on grumble about icy stumps and mud)
- Jog to track 2 laps with Indian Runs
The Thang – Part Deux
Mosey to the field inside the track
- Bear Crawl, 10 Merkins, Sprint Back and Plank until Pax finishes
- Lunge Walk, 10 Burpees, Sprint Back and Plank until Pax finishes
- Karaoke (facing Mckee Rd), 10 Turkish Get-ups (rt hand up), Sprint Back and Plank until Pax finishes
- Karaoke (facing school), 10 Turkish Get-ups (left hand up), Sprint Back and Plank until Pax finishes
Mosey over to the school and grab some wall
- People’s Chair x 90 seconds
- Incline Merkins x 15
- People’s Chair x 60 seconds
- Decline Merkins x 20
- Plank with feet on the wall – 10 Count
- Squats x 20
Mosey over to the Rock Pile and find a friend
- Curls x 15
- Squats x 20
- Overhead Press x 15
- Curls x 15
Mosey over to the Soccer Fields for Suicide Burpee Ladder (in Far Side’s honor as he enjoyed a little R&R with the M and 2.0’s in Turks & Caicos)
- 25 yard sprint, 5 burpees, sprint back to start
- 35 yard sprint, 10 burpees, sprint back to start
- 45 yard sprint, 15 burpees, sprint back to start
Mosey back to the school for several MoM
- LBC x 20
- Dolly x 15, Hold ’em
- Slow Bicycle x 15
- T-Claps to the 2 returning FNGs and all the veteran PAX for braving the cold
- Heard from one of the pax, possibly Spackler, after finishing the Turkish Get-ups, “I think I’d rather do Burpees”
- As initial run as QIC, Note to Self to remember to continue the count when leading in cadence
- Did I read that right on Backblast from Stonehenge. Young Love posting at Stonehenge and then heading over to Area 51 for double down. If so, strong work brother.
- F3 looking for volunteers to assist at F3 Convergence at USNWC on 1/26
- The Matrix to run at normal time on MLK Holiday on Monday, 1/21
- We didn’t come her to start no trouble, we just came to do the Superbowl Shuffle!
- Zip-a-Dee??? said “I got a little taste of Insanity and I don’t want any more”
- Lots of whining about the ice
Posted on behalf on Salt Lick and Abacus: Both did a great job on their Inaugural run as QIC!!!
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