10 pax showed up (including 7 of the 11 Charlotte South GoRuckers) for some early morning fitnes, fellowship, and good livin’.
The Thang:
Ray Charles and The Drill must have showed up at 5am or so to do their standard 6 miles. By time we finished Ray Charles was still there to greet us. The Drill was flying away for more important buisness.
ZipADee, Far Side and YHC set off at 5:15 to get 1.5 miles in, and returned just in time to join the rest of the crew for some GoRuck style training.
Our single file march took us through the woods and over hils; rucks, 25 pound KB, the American Flag and one fallen tree in tow. We probably covered just over 3 miles in about 45 minutes.
This was a great start for most of us. 7 of 11 south Charlotte GoRuck pax isn’t bad, but we’ll be shooting for more in the coming weeks. I could swear Runstopper emailed me he’d be there this morning. He must have gotten lost on the way over. See you next week Mr. Swan.
The “No Guts, No Glory” award goes to Strange Brew. In just a few short months he is attempting a remarkable transformation. From upchucking sloth to fit, inpiring stud. Keep up the hard work SB! It’s great to have you aboard.
It was nice to see some of the non-Ruckers not scared away by the threat of a few bricks. ZipADee was truely embracing the moment and even got to try on a ruck for himself by the end of our trek. Feels good doesn’t it?
Between the New Year’s break, yesterday’s Indian Run inspired lunge/squat-a-thon, and today’s work, I’m feeling a little sore today. And yes, that does feel good too.
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