Burpees Anyone?

  • When:10/04/12
  • QIC: The Shore, 49er
  • The PAX: The Shore, Ray Charles, 49er, Ichabod, Donkey Kong, Dora, Harley

Burpees Anyone?

This month’s twist on our 4/6 mile run – Spartan burbees. 10 each mile.


Welcome to two Devil’s Turn FNG’s: Harley and Ichabod. Glad to have you among us.

Dora is still working his way up on the mileage and did just 3 this morning. However, he decided to compensate by doubling up on the burpees. Somehow, he still ended up doing 100 of these. Either his count is off or he was just overeager, or both. Either way, strong work.

Did I hear a call for 20 burpees each mile next week from 49er? That can be arranged. Interesting to note though that 49er will be out of town next week. I hope he’s prepared to get his burpees in down in Aruba!

Don’t forget the Charlotte South Family gathering at The Shore’s house this Saturday at 4pm. Bring the whole family – workout and COT (nickname’s!) to kick the party off. All are welcome.


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