The Cowboy Merkin

  • When:08/29/2012
  • QIC: Slapshot
  • The PAX: Far Side, Pinstripes, Coal Miners Daughter, The Shore, Slapshot, Callaway, Joker, Cowboy, Run Stopper, 49er, Stone Cold, Tiger Rag, Harley, Smash, Lost Weekend, Ihop, Donkey Kong, Uncle Leo, Countertop

The Cowboy Merkin

19 Pax venturend into the gloom for the weekly Death Valley beatdown.

The Thang…

SSH x25

Shoulder warm-up

Merkins x20

Imperial Walker x25

Diamonds x20

Squat jumps x20

Wide arm merkins x20

Lunge jump x20

Carolina dry docks x20

Onto the football field…

High knees / Butt kickers then repeat

5 burpees


Karaoke down and back

5 burpees


Leg shuffle down and back

5 burpees


Back peddle / 80% run then repeat

5 burpees


Two sets

Donkey Kicks x20

Dips x25

Carolina dry docks x25


Two minutes of Jack

Two sets of carolina dry docks x15


LBC x20

Flutter Kicks x20

Dolly x20


Scissor Crunch x20

Peter Parker x15

Parker Peter x10

Naked Moleskin –

There was much chatter regarding Cowboy and his merkin style. What is a Cowboy Merkin? Basically a Carolina Dry Dock. What is a Cowboy Carolina Dry Dock? Basically a squat. We tease only because we love….

QIC Slapshot emerged from the Providence Plantation clown car with orange cones in hand and placed them strategically aroud the football field….then did not use them at all during the workout. Was he going for the imitidation factor?

Reminder of the southland convergence on Sept 8 at Calvery Church – “The Rock”. The Charlotte South F3’ers invite all metro and north guys to join us that day to help launch this new site.

Shoutout to some of the new guys who continue to post – Pinstripes, Coal Miners Daughter and others. Good work men!


About the author

Callaway author

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12 years ago

Slapshot, a native of the Empire State [not sure where… Buffalo, Rochester… somewhere cold], landed in the gloom wearing a long-sleeve T-Shirt. Next week be on the look out for him in a winter hat [or toboggan as he would call it].

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