Headlamps required…..

  • When:8/23/12
  • QIC: The Shore and 49er
  • The PAX: Joker, Sparky, Bratwust, Thin Crust, Donkey Kong, Mall Cop, The Oracle, Cowboy

Headlamps required…..

The Thang:

Eleven Pax posted for The Devil’s Turn; 2 for the 6 mile run and 9 for the 4 mile.


The lack of a moon this morning made running the greenway even more interesting.  It was practically pitch black without the use of a headlamp and the trail was not visible in the shaded areas.  Sparky (headlampless..) encountered a lone aged tomato (headlampless as well)  and both parties suffered mild heart attacks, however this encountered did provide Sparky with a new finishing PR!  Way to push it!  Next week will be the first time trial and all will set their new PR (maybe with the exception of Sparky!) to improve upon in the coming weeks.  Nice job Mall Cop and Thin Crust… already showing improvement. Welcome back Cowboy. Aye!

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11 years ago

Bratwurst is making these runs look too easy. He must be loading up on Bratkartoffeln and Spätzle before the runs.

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