Seis De Matrix

Seis De Matrix

16 men showed up the day after Cinco De Mayo. The whiff of Tequila on the breath and a strong horn section powered by refried beans and hot sauce kept a cloud over the workout all morning. Wet wipes might be a good idea for some of you to bring to each post.

Gather up with 13 men, brief disclaimer, and then jog around the low parking lot. Pick up 3 late comers on the way back to COP.


SSH, Low Slow Squats, Mountain climbers, low plank jacks, & high plank jacks.


Mosey to the track and partner up. Speed and weight class don’t matter.

P1 – runs track. P2 – Exercises. Flap jack. Keep going until the team gets 200 Merkins, 200 Jump Squats, and 200 Flutter Kicks.

Mosey to the wall. Do some various wall sit exercises. Audible to lunge walk to avoid toxic burrito fumes. Back at the wall for some Balls to the Wall with a very slow Squid 10-count.

Back to track. P1 Planks, P2 runs track with stop halfway for 10 burpees. Flapjack and repeat for 3 rounds each.

Mary Suicides with basketball goals. 20 Dolly’s out there and 40 LBC’s at the start.

Mosey to launch, 10 burpees, 100 yard dash, and some box cutter mary.


Good partner assignments on the Q’s part ensured that most of the teams were fairly equal and finished the work in similar times.

I know you are thinking that O’Tanenbaum was one of the late ones, but you would be very wrong. He was there 5 minutes early and well before the Q. People can change. Squid didn’t think the workout was challenging enough so maintained most of his planks at 6″ or half way down. Tulip was cruising all morning. Gave Purell a run for his money on the 100 yard dash, at least for 50 yards, that’s when Purell dropped the hammer and took off. After a protest and further review, Purell was disqualified for running into Tulip’s line and mucking things up. Tulip pays out at 70-1. See Pop Tart with your winning ticket to request your winnings. Ocho Cinco Places and Squid takes the Show. Joker was way back. No wooly vest = No super power speed.

Thanks to Squid for the takeout!


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