The Tulip blossoms

The Tulip blossoms

(Posted on behalf of Tulip)
10 men showed up by 0530 for a cold morning. Disclaimer given and we began…
  • Lap around the track
  • Side Straddle Hop (x25)
  • Imperial Walker (x25)
  • Lunges (10/leg)
  • Lap around the track
  • Burpees / Low Slow Squat w/ Bell / Swings (1st Rd: 5/5/10, 2nd Rd: 10/10/20, 3rd Rd: 15/15/30)
Line up inside the track facing away from the parking lot. Perform 40 seconds of each exercise below with bell focusing on form and quality. In between exercises, run to the opposite end of the track and back (we gradually increased our running speed throughout the workout).
  1. Squat
  2. R/L single-arm chest press
  3. R/L single-arm cleans
  4. Overhead press
  5. R/L single-leg dead lift
  6. Russian Twist
  7. R/L single-leg lunges
We got through a little over 2 rounds.
It was a smaller group this unseasonably morning, but the pack put in good work. Props to those who braved the unseasonably cold temps. Burpees don’t seem to be getting any more enjoyable…

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ChinMusic author

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