Playground of toys

  • When:09/24/16
  • QIC: Transporter
  • The PAX: Snowflake, Kevorkian, Big Tuna, Troylet, Hammy (FNG), Gator Cub, Camacho, Popeye, Damascus, Transporter

Playground of toys

The morning was foggy, gloomy and for the first time that I can remember in a while not HOT, great!   We did have an interesting start as an FNG walks up and introduces himself and informs us that he was invited by Camacho.  AHHH we said,  he’ll be here at 5:31,, welcome to the crew.  So we start out with a quick hot lap to ensure that we don’t lose Camacho and low and behold he, as expected,  pulls in at 5:31. Boom, ready to start with a quick mosey over to the other parking lot for a WU and divide into 2 teams of 3 and 1 team of 4.

WU: 40 SSH, 30 MC, 20 LBC’s, 15 Merkins DONE

The Thang:

Mosey to my car where there happen to be 3 Sand bags, 1 for each team.  Team grabs a bag and mosey to the other side of the bridge doing an Indian run along the way.  Hit the other side of the bridge for a quick plank jack then mosey up to the practice field for some work.

Work was simple  50 Burbee’s per person for a total of 150 for the 3 person teams and 200 for the 4. The additional work was the sandbag toss while doing a bear crawl made it a bit more fun.  The plan was simple, sets of 15 burgee’s run and catch the guy with the bag, guy doing LBC’s takes over for the burgee’s until reach your goal.

Warm up over, run to the track, happen to be 6 kettle bells there and 4 bands and a pull up bar.  Run a lap do 10 pull ups or 15 rows, run to other side of track to do 20 KB’s swings.  Do this three times and your done.  Planks while we wait, with some plank jacks in cadence.

With 9 minutes left, time was tight to get the last game plan in,  mosey over to the Middleschool side lot and again, just happen to be 3 plates, 3 smash balls and some dumbbells.  100 smash balls to finish the work out while one person runs the plate to the other side of the lot switches with the dumbbell and runs the plate back. Easy 100 smash balls and were done!   Quick sprint to the starting point to finish all of that while running 3.1 Miles.


Moleskin:  All in all I think everyone got there work in, felt bad for Hammy (FNG), who pulls his groin on his first time with the F3 Crew.  He took it and kept working through the pain like a champ,  I am certain he will be back. This pax has a whole is getting stronger and stronger,  I watched Damascus hammer out 10 pull ups like it was nothing, I thinking he struggled a bit more a few months ago when he started. Kevorkian sprinted past me not he first lap of the track, letting me know he had quicker legs than me!!  Popeye looks like he was throwing around a 10 lbs kb when it was a 40.  Gator Cub,  I don’t even recognize this cat any more,  clearly has put his work in and looking slimmer in his 50’s than he did when we first saw him in his 40’s.  Snowflake is the rock and cornerstone of our pax, always putting the hard work in.   Learned that Troylet was a big boy back in the day and refuses to go back showing up consistently at every known F3 work out since he moved he 3/4 weeks ago.   Camacho always has a smile on his face and is looking to kick some other F3 sites as&*&# s in soccer in a couple weeks, go get them, just show up on time:) Big tuna wanted to make sure that he made Damascus work for his money this morning and I watched them both with a strong hustle on the jail break home.  NICE WORK GENTS, thanks for allowing me to lead.



Family fun Kids race:    Posse, Kevorkian and Transporter are bringing our family

Southern Discomfort-  10/22   CSUP event

Quick Elevator Summary of the Event

We will start at Charlotte Catholic and run as a group to Old Providence. It is exactly 8 miles. However there are 6 pain stations along the way which will add mileage to close 11.  We have reached out to site Q’s at each stop to provide hydration as well as a 10 minute workout.  The 2nd to last stop is the Arboretum so they could also choose to end there if they want a to cut 2 miles off the total.


About the author

Transporter author

Husband to an amazing wife, father of 3 daughters, recipient of grace I don't deserve. I got it good!

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7 years ago

“Work was simple”….Do not confuse that with “easy”. Very well executed Beatdown by the man, Transporter. Man Cards all around for the hard work today –

7 years ago

Looks brutal Transporter. Sad (glad) I missed it.

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