Starfish And Clowns, Everywhere You Look!!!

  • When:1/7/15
  • QIC: Hopper
  • The PAX: Hops, Turkey Leg, Spackler, SlimFast, Puddin' Pop, Si (DV FNG), Good Hands, Scratch & Win, Brown, Pele, Huggy Bear, Mall Cop, Semi Gloss, Coal Miner's Daughter, Starfish (DV FNG), Bugeater, Prohibition, Butter, Stagecoach, Busch, Flutie Flakes, Cheesecurd, Lost Weekend, Hopper

Starfish And Clowns, Everywhere You Look!!!

24 pax showed up for a below freezing temp morning.  However, their thoughts were quickly diverted to Starfish and Clowns…..why those you ask?  Because there were 8 clowns (if you met them you would understand that term) from the same neighborhood who decided to “clown car” it to DV.  Starfish is the pax member who has now completed his circuit of all Area 51 workouts….and the man isn’t even from Charlotte.  Starfish is also one of the weinke plans the pax were subjected to…..but I digress……please read on:


After a lap in the parking lot of high knees and butt kickers, we mozied to the football field at the track:

25 SSH, 25 Slow Squats, 25 MCs

The Thang:

Partner up for Catch Me If You Can on the track: Partner 1 runs the track while Partner 2 does 10 merkins.  Once Partner 2 completes said merkins, he catches Partner 1 who takes his turn at merkins while Partner 2 runs on…..and so it goes.  Quick plank exercises at the end of Lap 1 followed by 5 jump squats for Lap 2.  Plank exercises at the end of Lap 2 (6 inch 10 counts provided by Hops and who else, but….Starfish).

Circle up for 25 LBC’s.  Then count off in 4’s and start the starfish:  NW corner of the football field does 15 WA merkins, NE corner does 15 flutters, SW corner does 15 jumping lunges, SE corner does 15 diamond merkins with 15 regular merkins in the middle of the field between each corner.  With two full circuits, that amounts to 180 merkins of some form during Starfish.

Circle up for 25 Rosalita and 15 Freddy Mercury

Mosey to the baseball fields:

Find your partner.  Partner 1 does dips until Partner 2 runs the bases via lunges, bear crawl, lunges and sprint between the bases.  Flapjack and rinse and repeat with incline merkins instead of dips.  Plank exercises in between rotations.

Line up for one last activity….AYG spring from baseball bleachers to the bottom of the steps to SCMS.

That’s a wrap!


Many thanks to Stagecoach for letting me Q this morning!  DV has a great AO, but an even better group of regular pax!  Great to see you all and thanks for all of the effort….you always impress!  I know Busch led our group during the entire Starfish piece….way to set the pace, man!  Tclaps to Si who decided (on his own….no EH) to show up at Fast Twitch yesterday as a FNG…he follows that by bringing it at DV this morning….remarkable work, bro!  Also, Starfish….way to make the A51 round, brother.  The man has a F3 GPS and set course for every AO we offer…..STUD!  Thanks again boys…I had a blast!  Great mumble chatter!


There is still availability  for the Joe Davis run.  Sign up!

Unbroken showing has been cancelled.

HDHH is under new management.  Libated Camel is the new site Q.  The Lodge is the place and 5:00 on Weds is the time!

Slim Fast….thanks for what is always a heartfelt and thoughtful take-out!


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Hopper author

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Stage Coach
9 years ago

Great Q, Hopper! Rumor has it that juice boxes and cheese-itz were passed out to the kiddies in the back seat of Bug’s clown car.

Si also arrived early and jumped into the pre-KB action.

9 years ago

Tclaps Hopper and thanks for the “hospitality” if that’s what you call that beatdown you delivered.

Still have quite a few Area 51 AOs to hit but it was great to finally get my DV stamp in the passport.

9 years ago

Darn near spilled the juice from the aforementioned juice box when Hopper called for a rinse/repeat on the starfish.
Clown car was fun – hadn’t been to DV in a long time – great group.
Spackler’s bowels are in dire need of some work. Not sure I like the Drynuary thing.
And is Brown still doing bear crawls and lunges on the ball field?

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