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QIC: Scratch & Win

PAX: Queen, Double Decker (FNG), Egypt, Slumdog, Bob Villa, Marge, Frosty Paws, Leprechaun, Sleepy, One Eye, Lewinsky, Thunder Road, Semi-Gloss, Puddin Pop, Scratch & Win

Lottery Tickets Sold Here – No Refunds

15 pax, including 1 FNG, gathered in the gloom for what turned out to be a challenging, yet creative beat down. I’d like to think tweeting a screenshot of YHC appearing in the lottery commercial for which he is aptly named was the reason for the big turnout. Not sure, but the buzz on twitter was enough to get Semi-Gloss out of bed. It was rumored that by attending YHC’s VQ, one might receive a lottery ticket of varying games and amounts: Power Ball, Lucky 7’s, Jumbo Bucks, 10x The Money Scratch Offs…but alas, all that was received was the satisfaction of knowing you pushed yourself to be better. And some movie references (including our new FNG’s name) – more on that later. Disclaimer given – you cannot sue anyone, including Obama. And we’re off.

The Thang:

Faster than normal mosey (YHC was amped for VQ and may have gone out a bit fast) one lap around Olde Providence. YHC extremely surprised he’s in the front and realizes his mosey has turned into a 90% jog.


20 Imperial Walkers
20 SSH
20 Mountain Climbers

Quick mosey to new benches at front of school near playground and partner up.

Partner 1: Exercises at bench.
Partner 2: Run to back playground for Pull ups. Run to opposite side parking lot for Merkins. Run in front of school back to benches. Flapjack. Rinse and repeat.

Rd 1: Step Ups; 7 (the number of our Lord) good form pull ups; 15 diamond merkins
Rd 2: Low Slow Squat; 7 (the number of our Lord) good form pull ups; 15 regular merkins
Rd 3: Dips; 7 (the number of our Lord) good form pull ups; 15 wide-arm merkins

Backtrack mosey in front of school to pick up the Six. Missed 2 pax that were halfway through the back half of the circuit. #RookieMistake by YHC.

Mosey back to school for some wall sits. Very tempting to leisurely rest on the ledge that’s at perfect sitting height. Everyone declines.

Wall Sit for approx. 2 mins (10 count by 12 pax down the line). Recover. FNG slowly walks away from pax to gather his thoughts – more on that later.

Back on the wall for Wall Sit with 20 air presses IC.

Mosey back to launch point for Domino merkins. YHC could have provided better instruction here, but we eventually got it.

5 slow count Domino merkins and finish with 30 second plank.

Mary (disguised as her twin sister “Sally”). YHC throws back to late 90’s movie “Gone in 60 Seconds”. Pax listen to “Flower” by Moby (aka “Bring Sally Up, Bring Sally Down”).

Protractor, alternating b/w 6 inches and 45 degree angle. 3 min and 25 seconds without feet touching the ground (not all made it the whole way w/o modification including YHC).

YHC realizes 1.5 min left. So, 25 merkins on your own to finish. 10 burpees for anyone who wants to push themselves (Sleepy takes the bait).

COT – thanks for the takeout Frosty Paws.

Ye Olde Moleskin:

YHC was thankful for a good turnout and honored to lead the pax, despite getting little shut eye from a mixture of excitement and fear of over sleeping. The movie references started before launch with a Shawshank reference from Puddin’ Pop, “Get busy living or get busy dying.” Little did Pop know YHC was also pulling out a fav movie from high school w/ Gone in 60 Seconds. The final big screen connection was with our FNG – welcome to DOUBLE DECKER!! For those with kids you’ll recognize the invention of Emmet (aka The Special) from Lego Movie. Ask DD what the connection is at his next post. HUGE T-claps to DD for rallying to finish with the group after he gathered his thoughts (read “refunded last night’s dinner”). YHC wasn’t certain if he should feel bad for him or proud that someone lost their lunch during my VQ. In the end, YHC settled on empathy b/c he’s been there TOO many times. T-Claps to Egypt and Slumdog – who, best I could tell, put the EH on Double Decker. Thanks to Leprechaun for the clown car and Lewinsky for the encouragement. Finally, thanks to Marge and Queen for “volun-telling” me to Q.


A smattering of mumble chatter and general updates. Most of which can be found on the website. All of which are many months away.

FNG – Welcome to Double Decker.

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Marge author

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6 years ago

Quality BB Scratch & Win. Now you need only to get the A51 IT Czar’s clearance to actually post on the website – Udder is your guy.
Looks like a quality Weinke as well. T-claps.
And an Egypt sighting in Area 51? I mean, despite the fact he lives in Area 51….

Chances of my posting at the next/2nd Scratch & Win Q are better than 1 in 292 million.

Cheese Curd
Cheese Curd
6 years ago

Nice job S&W…I really wanted to be there to loving point out any missteps along the way, but sounds like it was flawless.
I agree, Egypt…what was he doing there? Semi-Gloss, I mean does he post anymore?
My M was one of the few FIA’s in the lot who witnessed the naming of Double Decker…really want to know how he got that one. Good showing DD, you were not the first to lose your cookies, that was just your body saying “what the F* are we doing” it happens. Everyone remembers their first workout
S&W,Now that you have one under your belt, try it again!

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