Ebony, Ivory, and Rainman

  • When:03/31/17
  • QIC: Retread
  • The PAX: Insomniac, Slim Fast, Lois, Tweetsie, Beefeater, Mr. Brady, Retread

Ebony, Ivory, and Rainman

7 determined and dedicated GoatPax braved Cantore’s foreboding forecast to become faster and stronger.

YHC kicked things off with a succinct disclaimer before departing the SCMS parking lot for a clockwise warm-up around the Rounding Run loop via Woodfox. We regrouped on Strawberry and proceeded to the main event, after a bit of dynamic stretching.

The Thang

0:30/0:30/1:00 intervals: 30 seconds at I(interval)-pace followed by 30 seconds of recovery; 30 seconds at I-pace, 30 seconds of recovery; 1:00 minute at I-pace, 1:00 minute recovery. We completed 4 full rounds and 2/3 of round 5. Final recovery run back to the lot for stretching and COT.


  • Solid, consistent work by all this morning. Everyone maintained their pace throughout the intervals.
  • Tweetsie keeps getting faster every week. Your hard work and discipline is paying off brother.
  • Lois crushed it as usual, despite a bit of nervousness about the Gamecock’s Final Four match up with Gonzaga tomorrow. YHC thinks we’re all pulling for a UNC vs. USC title game.
  • Insomniac and Beefeater arrived in their matching ebony and ivory Volvos and ran in perfect harmony. YHC observed a transfer of a large stack of one dollar bills between the two compadres at the end of the workout. #uptowncabaret #moneylaundering
  • Mr. Brady ground out some miles while battling a balky back. Way to persevere and post with us. #noshouldertouching
  • Slim Fast led the pack this morning, displaying his trademark Texas speed. He did so despite recovering from a soccer-related injury suffered earlier this week while scoring his eighth goal of the match on a bicycle kick. Much respect to SF for managing the Garmin and the Pax on these types of runs. He makes it look easier than it is. YHC has no idea how he does it when guiding Sensei. Great work!
  • As a result of YHC’s last two Mountain Goat Qs featuring wet weather, there was a movement underway to call YHC Rainman. YHC can’t argue this one. #judgewapner #imanexcellentdriver


Thanks to Insomniac for taking us out!

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Slim Fast
7 years ago

Excellent Q, and excellent morning! The rain was just enough to refresh! This year, before I reseed, I will make sure to align with Retread’s Q schedule… rain is guaranteed!!

T-Claps and ditto to all the guys who continue to come out and get faster and faster… You are like sons to me… literally!! That’s how old I am!! 🙂

I have to call out Tweetsie, who would have been merlot-ing after our warm-up run 7-months ago… now he has gas in the tank to sprint out the last interval… Strong, brother!!

And Retread has become an excellent runner over the past 2-years of Mtn Goat! Thanks for your leadership this morning!

Safe travels to Insomniac who strategically plans their dirty old men’s trip to Myrtle Beach during Spring Break… well-played, old man… well-played!

See everyone soon! SF

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