Moderate = multiple meanings

  • When:10/12/15
  • QIC: Kirk
  • The PAX: Heartbreaker, Beaker, ABBA, March (that's what Siri had, hope it's right), Gummy, Uncle Si, Goonie, Daisy, Thunder Road, Mash, Fireman Ed, Adobe, Pele, Tawny, FNG Longshanks, Kirk (Q)

Moderate = multiple meanings

16 started off the day “moderately” at Basecamp.

The Thang

Mosey down to the track and circle up.  COP all IC consisting of:

SSH x25, Merkins x10, LBCs x21, Wide Arms x5, Flutters x21, Diamonds x5, Freddy Mercury x21, and somewhere in there 10 Burpees for Gummy.

Partner up for track work: P1 sprints a lap, P2 squats, flapjack, repeato

Partner “catch me if you can” – P1 runs backwards, P2 does 2 Burpees and chase.  Boone LBCs to regroup.

3 rounds of modified namesake The Kirk:

7 burpees, 14 dips, 21 merkins, 28 squats, 35 LBCs then run a lap.  EC lap for early finishers.

Plank work, then 20 knee ups

Mosey back up to parking lot.  3 minutes remaining, so more knee ups and 26 LBCs to finish.ts

Announcements – new 3rd F group called Rally Point starting up on Mondays at 6:30 at Dunkin’ Donuts on Rea (Rea / Colony by the HT).  Simba and Purple Haze starting up an intro to Christianity class / group to explore the foundations of the Christian faith.


Full disclosure – I am not a fan of “moderate”.  I feel that is mostly covered in the “modify as needed” portion of the disclaimer – though probably too late for that today.  I’m going to take the respectable route #Iam3rd #sarcasm and totally blame Simba, whose totally shameless plug for his upcoming intro to Christianity class at 5:29 totally threw off the timing of the planned diatribe against “moderate”, which I had artfully crafted to transition into the disclaimer.   Speaking of the Base Camp site Q, he showed up at 5:24:57 on two wheels to settle, er…watch, Goonie settle the Burpee bet and then bailed.  Why, Simba, why?  I was looking around for someone completely off balance during the flutters to heckle, and your short, slow moving legs weren’t there. #hurtfeelings

Anyway, since most of you don’t really know my story with F3, I’ll give a bit of backstory, so hopefully some of this will make sense.  My first post was actually to the Metro equivalent of Base Camp, called Core, and coming straight off +/- eight years on the couch, I nearly passed out.  My second workout was WIB on Tuesdays at Freedom Park, and it was like a light bulb went off. Big workout, lots of chatter/ trash talk, and tons of competition…I was hooked.  We started SOFA WIB a couple of months ago to bring that south of Fairview. Not longer after, I reached out to Simba to ask to Q here  because I think that style workout works for fitness levels #youvsyou #ISI.  We did a little of that today with The Kirk, modified to remove pullups (no bars, normally the 7), reduce the burpees (normally 14 #moderate #<3Gummy) and add dips (#moderate).  #excessiveparentheticalhashtags

Hopefully everyone got their money’s worth. Tried to keep it together on the track to accommodate new guys and fading track stars like Gummy.  Loved having a Double Respect FNG in Longshanks (naming went Milwaukee Braves, Red Sox courtesy of OP baseball {may have more team hats than Bushwood}, kin fought alongside William Wallace…ergo Longshanks) out there today. I didn’t realize it was his first post when I asked him to lead Mary (blank stare – what’s that?) while I did an extra lap to bring in the six.  Probably, maybe like the third or fourth Q-fail of the day there.  Just figured out another one writing this – how did I not give Uncle Si crap the entire time about booking a flight for the day of BRR #Qshameface.  Cobains.  Yeah – don’t do that.  The beard was rockin’, though you need to meet Forrest for inspiration.  #beardenvy

Lots of Q-heckling today, which is not just appreciated but encouraged.  Somehow they missed all the stuff, except the disclaimer, that I actually did screw up.

So if you liked today, or felt better because of it, I’d like to invite you out to SOFA WIB tomorrow. Slightly less gentle, and less genteel, atmosphere, faster pace (unless Sundancer is there), and way better music (only when Sundancer is there)… but you will be pushed to get better.  Here’s the Pre-blast:

Great time this morning, gents.  Thanks for having me and putting up with an outsider stepping in to Q.  Continue to push each other #ISI

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Kirk author

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Strange Brew
8 years ago

There is a long story behind the founding of Base Camp and the other moderate workouts in A51, feel free to ping me for that story some day, great write up and what looked like a great workout!

8 years ago

“March” should be “Marge”.

Great workout design, Kirk. Guys like you, Heartbreaker, Abba, etc. got in all they wanted without leaving the six far behind. I think that’s important at the workouts Area 51 calls moderate. They don’t feel like they are holding everybody else back at a workout designed like that.

Now onto the heckling. No wonder you’re at the front of all the WIB workouts. WIB must be french for “no more than halfway down on any of the called exercises”. Your burpees make Chelms’ Churpees look tough. I do wish I (still?) had your running speed though.

Good to see Simba and his unfortunate new footwear. Hopefully now he’ll take advantage of the injury and sleep in for a few weeks.

Abba busted out the long sleeves for the crisp 61 degree morning. Might want to save those for later big guy. Good to partner with Goonie – he was getting it done on the track work.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Gummy
8 years ago

I am glad someone finally acknowledged a churpee is not easy. They are specifically designed for men over 6″2′, of which there are not that many in F3. #longerdistancetotravel

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