Might As Well Jump

Might As Well Jump

Date: 2024-01-23 AO: swole Q: ickey_shuffle PAX: Emoji, voodoo FNGs: None COUNT: 3 WARMUP: A kettlebell workout without kettlebell swings is not a kettlebell workout, and a doughnut without a hole is a danish. Therefore for a warmup we did 100 swings, 50 merkins, 50 bent over rows, and 100 LBC.
THE THANG: It is de-load week of the High Tide Hypertrophy Plan which is loosely based on the Fibonacci sequence. Speaking of math, remember when our teachers told us we needed to memorize a bunch of equations because we wouldn’t be walking around with a calculator in our pockets all the time? Anyway, the 3/5/8 + 3/5/8 + 3/5 sets were pull ups, front squats, and clean & press. Chase that with some heavy carries. It was cold. Winter sucks and I don’t understand why people live where they have real ones.
MARY: A few core exercises to round out the time, mostly avoiding the ones I don’t like. Iron sharpening & whatnot.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Winter sucks. So does this slackblast nonsense. It feels like a cop out and typing on a phone is a pain in the ass. We need to get back to writing proper backblasts, on an actual website, as Xenu intended. This #LearnToCode stuff can kiss my ass. The music today was a listen of Van Halen’s 1984 album, which for the mathematically inclined, turned 40 this month. Now I believe it’s time to have a glass of prune juice and prepare my room at Sharon Towers.
COT: Poorly performed by YHC. I tried.

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