Monthly Archive February 2023

The pond would be good for you

DATE: 2023-02-24 AO: Kevlar Q: gummy PAX: Orange Whip, Popper, puddin_pop, Mile High, Limey, Loan Shark, 3 others FNGs: None COUNT: 10 10 gentle men played the hits at Kevlar. The pavilion, the hill, the weird track at the old parking area. Fair amount of burpees and sweat.

The Planets Aligned

DATE: 2023-02-23 AO: Shield Q: Rousey PAX: Pilgrim, tagalong, Spitball, Bombay, Cooter2 FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: No warm up. Rousey came in hot and moseyed the pax to QHMS where a surprise was awaiting. THE THANG: Rousey stashed a crate of goodies behind the trailer at QHMS. This, he claimed, was the reason for his tardiness. Inside the crate were 19 tangled jump ropes (think back to middle school gym class with the jump ropes made out of those plastic macaroni pieces), 4 orange cones and a 45 pound sand bag for good measure. Mosey to the track where the Pax were told to jump rope for 1 minute (maybe longer) and the Pax that messed up the most had to run a lap with the sandbag. Ouch! The cones were placed at each turn where the pax completed various exercises. Round and around we went. Thankfully the Pax took turns carrying the sand bag. Afterwards the Pax were spent and Rousey threatened next time to jump rope for 2 minutes. Mumble chatter ensued.
Even though the Pax couldn’t see it through the dense cloud cover, an astronomical phenomenon had occurred this morning at Shield. A crescent 🌙 moon was flanked by Jupiter and Venus. If you look close enough you can see the moons orbiting around Jupiter. You don’t see that everyday. And the Pax didn’t see it this morning. But knew it was there.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood Drive 3/3 followed by Beer Run 3/4. Makes perfect sense. COT: Tagalong took us out in prayer. Grateful indeed for another morning in the Gloom.

Barely Made it

DATE: 2023-02-23 AO: Sparta Q: Happy Meal PAX: baracus, ChickenWing, Happy Meal, Mr Brady FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: THE THANG: 4 Pax made their way to the track. We some warm up exercises before the main event.
The thang: Run at 80% 200m, 5 burpees and 40 LBCs, jog around to the start line. 3x.
Next, same drill but 40 alternating lunges and 40 Rosalitas.
Then, same with 15 hand release merkins and 40 flutters
Finally, backwards run 100m, Plank, then sprint 100m. 2x.
Mosey back home. ~5 miles
As we were on our 4th or 5th lap, @baracus asks if there’s a porto potty around. We acknowledge there was, but then he said he was good. On the way home, @ChickenWing who was WAY ahead pulled back with the six. He then stated that he was squeezing his glutes 🤔.

The Traitor’s Loop

DATE: 2023-02-23 AO: -Devils-Turn Q: flipper PAX: fleetwood, retread, frasier, turkey_leg, Wolverine, bunker, Kielbasa, Chopper, voodoo, grasshopper, Dosey Doe FNGs: None COUNT: 11 10 of us ran the route posted by our absentee site Q, Flipper. Dosey Doe started early and ran much farther along a different route. Grasshopper pre- and post-tan to get 11 miles in. Frasier bailed early as he tapers for a half this weekend in Greenville. All in all, it was a glorious morning for running in spring-like weather.
Announcements: Blood, Beer, and WTF. Check the Slack channels for details.

Cone You Hear the Love Tonight

DATE: 2023-02-23 AO: Nightmare-On-Elm Q: wildturkey PAX: Lafleur, kirby, Sally, Partygras FNGs: None COUNT: 5 Fair wearher and fast feet rhis morning. Welcome our friends from Gastonia! Glad job on half Kirby! Strong sprints Lafleur!
WARMUP: Speed bumps warm-up + pushup/situp
THE THANG: The Beast 4 corners
MARY: sprinked theoughout
ANNOUNCEMENTS: blood drive beer run
COT: Wild Turkey

Hightide almost died and so did I

DATE: 2023-02-22 AO: Meaad Q: Unplugged PAX: Rudy, The Worm, voodoo, high_tide FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: -No SSH – just feels weird but alas meathead is anti SSH. Different strokes. -Swings -Pryer Squats -Merkins -Mtn Climbers -Arm Circles -Michael Phelps
THE THANG: We did lost of Swings….253 to be exact some were done with rest others well done at a pace not appreciated by some of the PAX. Theme was EMOM (every minute on the minute).
EMOM 1 – 5 rounds 20 – 2H swings 5 Lawn Mowers (l/r) This was one of those “looks easy on paper” boys. Should only take 35 seconds per round…..lots of rest.” Welp…. not so much. @hightide almost went to be with Bear Bryant at one point. I was close to passing out myself. Even our Nanatan complained. @theworm called this a “hateful sprint EMOM”. I like it! But….100 swings done.
EMOM 2 – 6 rounds (modified based on the pain of EMOM 1) -5/5 1H Swings (l/r) Less complaints and more 2nd F convo. Something about tequila, the beach, and 18 oz curls coming from @theworm’s side of the parking lot. 160 swings done.
Human Burpee – Paid homage to our kettlebell lord Dan John -15 Swings -5 Goblet Squats -5 Merkins. 5-4-3-2-1 on GS & Merkins. Keep the Swings always at 15 reps. 235 Swings done
3-2-1 Fun for 3 rounds 3-1H swings 2-Snatches (this was for @voodoo and now revived @hightide 1-Front Squat (this is for YHC) left then right counts as one round 253 Swing done.
Carries Waiter, Rack, and Suitcase with some squats mixed in, of course.
MARY: Elbow plank
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Drive for blood and run for beer
COT: YHC took it out.

Simple Math

DATE: 2023-02-22 AO: Anvil Q: Point Break PAX: lorax, Preschool, Erin Brokavich, Snuka, Emoji, Limey FNGs: None COUNT: 7 The Thang
Warm up mosey the long way around to the turf semi-circle.
CoP upon arrival at the semi-circle: • SSH x 15 • Hillbillies x 15 • Merkins x 15 • Hands to Heels x 15 • LSS x 15
Mosey to the side parking lot along 51.
WAVE 1: Ladder 1-2-3 • Run from one end of the long lot to the other, at the end do 1 Merkin, 2 Squats, 3 LBCs • Run from one end of the long lot to the other, at the end do 2 Merkins, 4 Squats, 6 LBCs • Repeat the ladder until we get to 10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs
Mosey over to the rock pile near 51.
WAVE 2: Rock Work • Pick a lifting rock that you’ll feel when we’re done. • 10-15-10 Rep Pyramid: Curls, Chest Press, Triceps, Bent Over Rows
WAVE 3: Sevens on the Soccer Fields • Star Jacks at the top, Dry Docks on the bottom
Mosey back to Launch Point
Mary until time is called
Called time and COT.

Chest Day @ The Maul

DATE: 2023-02-22 AO: -Maul Q: tagalong PAX: strange_brew, wingman, midriff, the_mouth, patent_pending, teddyf3, Hippie, goonie, Tardy-Mardi FNGs: None COUNT: 10 8 Bootcampers and 2 Runners for COT at the Maul. We hammered out 150 merkins, 50 dry docks, 30 burpees and some lunge work with squats to rest our arms….
WARMUP: Mosey around the lot and circle up near the BoA ATM for some SSH, Potato Pickers, Merkins (Reg, Diamond, Wide), Calf Stretching, and Side Planks with Arm Circles….
THE THANG: #1. Six-Line Suicide Run… 10 HR Merkins at each line and 5 Burpees at the Start. Lay on the ground and catch our breath with 15 reps ea of High Flutter, Rosalita’s, and Low Flutter
#2. Merkin Set… Diamond Merkins on Knees (Reps: 20/15/10/5) & Clock Merkins at 12/3/6/9 o’clock (Reps: 4/3/2/1)… this is where we got 90 of the 150 merkins. The reps were challenging but we stuck to the plan on paper!
#3. Triple Nickle on a Parking Line… a.) FWD Lunge Walk to end of line + 5 Jump Squats… BK Lunge Walk to Start + 5 Jump Squats… x 5 sets b.) Bear Crawl to end of line + 5 Dry Docks… Crawl Bear to Start + 5 Dry Docks… x 5 sets
#4. Partner Up for Max reps Big Boy Sit-ups in 60 seconds… flapjack. Wall sit w/ toe taps x 20.
Meet up @midriff for 1 minute of running stretches!
MARY: Yes, mixed in as filler and rest.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: – Friday (3/3) pre-game for the beer run by donating blood – Saturday (3/4) beer run in southend… approx 4 miles and 5-6 breweries ending at OMB. Reach out to @war_eagle for more details on start time and location.
COT: Thank you @midriff for the takeout and @patent_pending for sharing his thoughts on appreciation towards everyone who allows F3 to operate and run smoothly (Site Q’s, workout Q’s, and our IT SlackBlast creator!)

We’re going on an adventure

DATE: 2023-02-22 AO: Sacs Q: Dora PAX: geraldo, lex_luthor, wildturkey, Lafleur, Cheese Curd FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: head to the track THE THANG: 20 of the following – Ruck and sandbag squats -pull through with a merkin – thruster/ clean combo – flutters
1 hot lap Then 15x the exercises 2 lap- 1 was hot
Then 15x the exercises because of Geraldo 3 laps 1 or 2 were hot
Then some 90 second thing where we all ran without gear and then back w/ gear
ANNOUNCEMENTS: no COT: pretty smoke after we got done sprinting at the end. Probably one more”that’s what she said joke”, WT with the take out prayer.
Sable is on Q next week

Beatings in the Alley

DATE: 2023-02-22 AO: Wamrap Q: rachel PAX: Watergate, Horsehead, turkey_leg, DoubleE_F3, poptart, Alf, Kaboom, Mile High FNGs: None COUNT: 9 WARMUP: round 1. 1 exercise per set THE THANG: 5 exercises per set. 20 sets per round. Included burpees, running, and dark alleys.