Hey Wang, what’s with the pictures it’s a parking lot

Hey Wang, what’s with the pictures it’s a parking lot

So I get a text from Hops at 227AM letting me know he is sick and will be unable to Q today at Base Camp.  Needless to say, I did not read this until 500am.   No worries, we got you covered.  Better to stay home, rest and get yourself feeling better.  I had a general plan on what I wanted to do but nothing specific.  Time to wing it, right.  Wrong.

At 528, I’m explaining to the 11 PAX that Hops is sick and unable to make it and they are stuck with me.  Again.  I asked for volunteers, not really expecting anyone to pick it up but low and behold Sardine raises his hand to gladly lead us around.  I only had to ask once.  Big thanks to Sardine.

Let’s see if I can get this right or at least portions of it.  I’ll probably make some of it up too.

  1.  COP in the parking lot – the typical warm up stuff.  You get it.
  2. Run to Rising Meadow doing Merkins and LBC on the way.
  3. Triple nickle at Rising Meadow with wide arm or diamond Merkin at the top and Ab Reapers at the bottom.
  4. Run back to the school doing various exercises (Merkins and Ab Reapers)
  5. Ran to the benches by the school.  Half of the men ran the short loop while half did:  Dips, Derkins, LBCs and then flip flop.
  6. Went to the rock pile for 3 rounds overhead press, curls and triceps x15 each.
  7. We took a lap around the track with various exercises at each of the 4 corners.
  8. With just a few minutes left, we finished up with a mini Merkin ladder in the parking lot.

Partner work is null and void until this virus passes over.  Hopper was disappointed that there would be no partner Monkey Humpers.  Monday is not starting off well.

I felt like we did lots and lots and lots of Ab Reapers.  I haven’t seen this much and there is probably a different name for it but it is a great core exercise.  You sit on your six and bring your knees up to your chest.  Clover needed a demonstration – imagine that.  Magoo made it back from California and says he did not bring any Corona Virus home with him.  So we got that going for us, which is nice.

Great to see Callaway return – it has been a while.

It was great to have Sardine step in and pick up the Q without any plans etc.  Great workout.  Hops, we hope you feel better.


Hawks Nest (Charlotte Latin) is closed until further notice due to the virus.  Hawks Nest will converge with Bag Pipe.

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ThunderRoad author

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4 years ago

Callaway is on the comeback trail! Sorry to bail on you men this morning. Not Covid 19, rather just allergies. T-claps to Sardine for stepping in.
Thumper, too! Kotters!

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