Hey Whitey, where’s your hat

Hey Whitey, where’s your hat

Eleven men joined up Centurion,  they were disclaimed and away we went.

COP – at the base of the garage entrance.  IW, LSS, Cotton Picker & Merkin x 15ish.  Lots of mumble chatter not a lot of counting – but that is fine.

Next we took off and ran the short ramps to the top of the garage stopping at each turn to do 10 merkins and 10 dry docks at alternating turns.  Go to the bottom of the steps by the elevator.

From here we ran to the far stairwell and go up to the next level where we did 10 squats at each stairwell.  The same pattern was repeated for the remaining two levels.  Exercises were heels to heaven and wide arm merkins (x 10 at each stairwell).  Mosey to the rock pile at the corner of Little and McMahon.

Partner up with 1 lifting rock.  Partner 1 runs around the traffic circle.  Partner 2 does the called exercise (curls, triceps, press and squats).  Each partner gets to do the exercise and run.  Mosey to Charlotte Aquatics.

Partner drag up the incline for a good quad burner.  Rinse and repeat.  Mosey to the back of the school.

Partner 1 does dips while Partner 2 bear crawls up the ramp and runs down the steps.  Repeat twice.  Mosey to Launch site for a minimal amount of Mary before time is called.

The eleven were: Mermaid, Hops, Point Break, Snooka, Chelms, Lorax, Prohibition, Hopper, Cheese Curd, Purple Haze and Thunder Road.  (The tag feature on the website doesn’t work all that well – or it’s user error.  Probably both)



Prior to launch, Prohibition pulls in with several minutes to spare.   Being that there are only 11 cars in the lot, there are plenty of places to park.  Prohibition locates the space right next to Purple Haze in the corner.  When I say ‘right next’ to his car – you  probably could have gotten a nickel and two dimes between the two cars.  I’m not sure if that was intentional or not.

Cheese Curd had a full Northern Experience back at the rock pile.  Not sure what team he was on or what that was all about.

So when we were leaving Charlotte Aquatics after doing the Partner Drag up the hill, I couldn’t help but overhear someone talking about a Partner tip pull.  This is not F3 San Francisco and we’re not doing Partner tip pulls.  Maybe that’s why Prohibition parked so close to Purple Haze in the lot?  I’m starting to think the parking job was intentional.

Had a great time this morning with the men from Centurion.  Everyone pushed it hard and we all stayed fairly close together.  Thanks to Margo and Mermaid for the opportunity to lead!


Don’t forget to check out Slack for the 30 for 30 benefit for Red Rocks

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ThunderRoad author

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