Miles and Merkins

Miles and Merkins

9 PAX gathered in the gloom to start their week the right way.  After an abbreviated disclaimer we were off.

  • Mosey down Camilla stopping at each speed bump (5 total) to do 10x Merkins
  • Left on Fernbank, right on Pepperdine; assorted Mary while waiting on the six
  • Main event — long triple nickel on Pepperdine with 5x merkins halfway up, at the top and at the bottom; assorted Mary while waiting on the six
  • Mosey back the way we came with 10x merkins at each speed bump (5 total)
  • Assorted Mary while waiting on the six


Strong group of PAX out today.  YHC managed to lead from the middle.  Chalet and Bout Time were way out in front.  Not sure which actually claimed the VT.  Good to have Gangsta Mouse back out at DMZ.  Aquafresh marketed my Q on the tweeter but was a no show.  Always a pleasure to lead the DMZ pax.  Thanks for the opportunity.  Aye.

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