Chiseled- Coupons for Everyone

Chiseled- Coupons for Everyone

It has been a while since I had been to Chiseled let alone lead Chiseled.  None of the Diesel site Qs could make it. (Shaking my head) Who knows,  was it fear, laziness or the dread Fartsack Syndrome. One day that phrase will be in Urban Dictionary.  

14 super solid dudes did join on a chilly morning with little to no complaints.  I was extremely impressed by everyone and how hard they all pushed. Absolutely amazing group of guys.

Disclaimers given with mosey around Mt.Chiseled and back to the start.

15 SSH (kept it short for Big 10), 10 IW, 10 JD, stretching from plank position, a little extra back stretching (compliments of my M’s instruction).

The Thang

Pick your coupon of choice and let’s do this.

Time for some Coupon Fun/Four Corners

4 Coupon Corners x 2

  1. Man Makers 10, Squats 25
  2. Coupon Swings 25/Monkey Humpers
  3. Merkins 25/Merkins 25
  4. Curls 25, LBCs 25

Upon Completion we kept the brick work happening.

2 sets of exercises done, then run to the island and back.

25 Shoulder press / 25 LBCs with Brick – RUN
25 Sumos/ 25 Squats – RUN
25 Scorpion Dry Docks / 25 Dead Lifts – RUN
25 Dry Docks / 25 Thrusters repeat – RUN
25 Derkins/25 Plank Jacks repeat – RUN


Everyone pushed hard and did their best to stay warm.  It would be call out anyone because absolutely everyone did the entire workout and pushed hard.    I was impressed with the limited chatter and just everyone’s accepting the challenge of a tough workout.   I truly appreciate everyone’s push. 


Special Guest for Floater ( MoneyBall)

FNG – Schneider’s son. Posse got lost out there really wanting to name him after a rock. Posse’s name was almost changed to Nerd. But we moved on and went with Joe Dirt.


About the author

Hooch author

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