I’m not out here to suffer

  • When:12/05/2019
  • QIC: Wild Turkey

I’m not out here to suffer

Sparta is one bad AO – 4.5 minimum and plus a barrage of boot camp exercises. I set up a half-mile acceleration run bookended with body builder burpees and pull-ups. Speaking for myself, it was a smoker.

However, F3 shouldn’t be all about pain and suffering. You should never feel bad that you’re not “one of the fast guys” or you modified the number of reps. Heck, don’t feel bad if you took a few days to nurse an injury. We’ve all got enough stress and pain in our lives. F3 is a celebration of what you CAN do. It’s a culture of encouragement and fellowship. Just do your best. Focus on improving yourself in a positive way. Most importantly share an encouraging word, high five and smile with your buddies in the gloom.

Stay warm!

About the author

WildTurkey author

SOB, Stonehenge Co-Site Q

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