

Clearly many had it in mind that the day after Thanksgiving would be less attended as many were traveling…… So I took the q as an opportunity to redeem my last convergence and it was a success…almost.

Personally, I like q’s that are hard, the instructions are clear and everyone gets a solid work out. Those are my goals,simple. So here is “the thang”

The Thang; Disclaimer, mosey to the mattress parking lot for some mumble chatter about the strong desire to take advantage of a black Friday mattress sales. The creepy guy in the parking lot quickly takes off as we start. 20 SSH, 20 MC, 10 Merkins and a little stretching. Adding to a strong warm up with some burpees, a little groaning as those that were there for the first time we did a 12 by 12 there (12 burpees a minute for 12 minutes) you want to smoke a pax out out the gate, give that one a try, but not today. 12, 11, 10, 9 then mosey to “the main thang”

Empty parking deck was the location today, didn’t want to get run over by a blurred eyed grandma seeing a $2 black Friday deal, so what better place than a empty parking deck to spend the hour. The first exercise was simple (so i thought) Donkey kicks at one end, burpees at the other. At the the top run down the stairs and run back up the deck where Shop would be leading mary… Somehow that got lost in translation. Oh well, clearly still room for communication improvement. Next we did “The RUDY” partner up. Burpee jump to your partner, 5 hand slap merkins, bear crawl to opposite starting line, run the loop meet up for 5 more hand slap merkins and finish the loop, repeat 5 times. KILLER, meet up at end for mike tysons and air presses till Alf takes the q.

Alf finishes with a 3 rounds of deck abs, 5,10,20 up the deck. 5 Big boy situps at the bottom, 10 heels to heaven in the middle, and 20 dragon flys at the top. 3 times for a burner. Run to the bottom of the deck with 3 rounds of bobby hurley touches at one end and  burpees at the other. Finish with running back to the launch and 15 burpees.

Moleskin: My guess is everyone got a minimum of 100 burpees. most of the time I feel they are lazy q work but the problem is they are so damn effective in wearing you out so I love them. Over all most got 3.6 miles in a deck today which is always good for a solid calorie burn. Mumble chatter was to minimum today but we did hear some bat flipper comments, which are always welcome for those that appreciate good form. Bottlecap earned the “Gerber” award as he flew by Alf and myself on one of the ab rotations. Hops was a bit ornery to the holiday hours claiming Thanksgiving was yesterday but finally warmed up at coffeteria. I know we appreciated our guests from F3 Raleigh Grady and Coco Crisps for the visit and showing a no quit attitude. All in all beautiful morning, everyone gave the solid effort and hopefully can avoid the meat sweat’s tonight (I know I was up all night rolling around on my pregnant belly,,,Not a shot a Good fella…..who HC’d on Tuesday and I didn’t see him this morning😊

About the author

Transporter author

Husband to an amazing wife, father of 3 daughters, recipient of grace I don't deserve. I got it good!

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