Honoring Our Selfless Veterans

Honoring Our Selfless Veterans

The site Q’s of The Matrix, Base Camp and M*A*S*H decided to converge this morning to honor the service of our military men and women. We also decided we should start a little later at 7:00 and make it a one hour workout. 8 pax showed up. The first thing they saw as they pulled in were several shovel flags eloquently planted by Kid Rock…..thank you brother for the reminder of why we are here today!

After a quick disclaimer (honestly more of a disclaimer about Vet’s Day than anything else), we headed out. Hopper had the first 30 minutes and Thunder Road the last. Here is how it went:

Hopper Q:

Warm Up:

Jog to the front parking lot. Exercises included 11 counts of IW, LSS and MC’s (11 counts were aplenty today to signify Armistice Day!).

The Thang:

Jog to the corner of Strawberry and Rosecliff, but along the way, 11 merkins at each speed bump. Once we got to Rosecliff we plannked a little, then triple nickel on the hill. Jump squats at the bottom, CDDs at the top. Kid Rock and Geraldo were killing it! Plank some after, then head back toward SCMS.

We stopped on the way at Fairway Downs and partnered up. Partner 1 runs up the hill to the cul-de-sac while Partner 2 does stated exercise. Flapjack upon Partner 1’s return. Exercises included: Freddy Mercury, Heels to Heaven, Flutter. Mosey on back to SCMS for round 2.

Thunder Road Q:

Run to the track at South Charlotte for 4 corners. We did three laps with 10 reps at each corner of: Merkins, Heels to Heaven, Low Slow Squats. Again, Kid Rock and Geraldo were setting the bar high with stellar performances. Kid Rock, in Veteran Day style, honored the “no man left behind” mantra and made sure the six was supported.

Run to the main parking lot/launch site. Partner up for Push/Pull. Two rounds for the length of the parking lot, alternating positions half way.

Jog to the rock pile at the steps near the restrooms. Partner up again. Partner 1 runs the loop and down to the baseball bleachers for 10 dips while Partner 2 does curls, O/H presses and tricep extensions with a rock. Flapjack and run three rounds.

Back to the launch site for some final mary with 11 counts.

That’s a wrap!


It was a fairly quiet pax today, but I chalk that up to the spirit of the day. There is no greater sacrifice and show of selflessness than duty to our country. Our men and women forfeit so very much for our freedom and I am sure that significance was in each of our heads this morning.

Thanks to all who showed up and thanks again to our brave troops, both past and present!


Holiday party may have been cancelled due to lack of sign ups. More info to come.

Kid Rock announced that today a running carriage will be donated to a veteran at the Hickory Tavern at the Metro building in Midtown as part of a charity he and other Waxhaw F3ers work with (apologize I did not record the name of the organization KR). Very noble!

Thanks Thunder Road for the great prayer!

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Hopper author

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