Asylum Part 1 and Part 2 – Coupon Hell (sorry Akbar)

Asylum Part 1 and Part 2 – Coupon Hell (sorry Akbar)

After being asked to lead about a month back I hesitated as I have never been to the site unless you count a meal at Chick-Fila or Hickory Tavern. Barely go to Target even. First thought was “Nah, I am good”, then realizing I was not attempting to step out of my comfort zone. So why not, with no clue what to necessarily do at said workout.

Only thought I had was this needs to be a hard workout, and this new IPC Coupon thing seems to do the trick. So I created a plan, put it on cardboard signs, only to have the workout appear at Impromptu led by Gerber. And it sucked horribly, so with a few tweaks, that is exactly what we are going to do.

First time leading was November 4th where we had 13 PAX total, but we did not get to finish the fun. So I volunteered to continue the workout just so no one was left feeling shorted at all today November 11th but with only 6 PAX. Actually gaining Goodfella and losing 8 FartSackers.

Disclaimers given during opening mosey of both workouts.

Very similar warmup. 25 SSH, 15 IW, 10 JD, with a little extra back stretching (compliments of my M’s instruction).

The Thang

On Nov 4th we started with an opening Mosey to the adjoining neighborhood from the medical facility lot.

Mosey to Blackwood. Partner up
10 MC one direction each light, 10 Car DD each light the other, 10 MT at intersection, 5 Hand slap merkins at intersection X 2

Mosey next to Target for some Coupon Fun/Four Corners

4 Coupon Corners x 2
1. Man Makers 10, Squats 25
2. Curls 25, LBCs 25
3. Merkins 25/Merkins 25
4. Coupon Swings 25/Monkey Humpers 25

But we were only able to make it half way through before running out of time. Absolutely everyone tore it up while having to carry that stupid Brick everywhere.

Today November 11th, smaller group we went straight to 4 Corners but in the slightly smaller Petsmart Lot due to lighting.

4 Coupon Corners x 2
1. Man Makers 10, Squats 25
2. Curls 25, LBCs 25
3. Merkins 25/Merkins 25
4. Coupon Swings 25/Monkey Humpers 25

Upon Completion we kept the brick work happening.

2 sets of exercises done, then run to end of lot and back.

25 Shoulder press / 25 LBCs with Brick – RUN
25 Sumos/ 25 Squats – RUN
25 Scorpion Dry Docks / 25 Dead Lifts – RUN
25 Dry Docks / 25 Thrusters repeat – RUN
25 Derkins/25 Plank Jacks repeat – RUN
Rinse/Repeat if you can (only GF did)


Both workouts, literally everyone pushed and killed it. Special shoutout to Swimmers, Posse, Fuse and Ackbar for making both workouts and enduring a tough workout that felt much longer than 45 minutes especially in the gloom and cold. Well done men.

Of Course everyone that showed both days did their thing without complaining.


Holiday party, Christ Closet giveaway Update, Gladiator is next week.

Goodfella took us out.

About the author

Hooch author

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