Getting back to Bagpipe

  • When:10/29/2019
  • QIC: Margo

Getting back to Bagpipe

17 PAX arrived for the last Bagpipe post in October. Luckily YHC had come to the last 2 posts to figure out the new parking lot. It’s been awhile! Short disclaimer to the group of vets and off we go towards the parking lot of the hotel next to the gas station.

COP IW x 20 LSS x 20 Usain Bolt x 10 each leg Merkin x 15 Shoulder taps x 15

THANG Round 1: Lifting Mosey over to lance building parking lot partnering up and snagging one lifting rock per pair on the way. Partner 1 repeats said lifting exercises (curls, overhead press, triceps extensions) x 10. Partner 2 runs to to Ballantyne Corporate road and back. Flap jack and repeat 2 times per PAX.

Round 2: The Beast Mosey to other side of parking lot for the Beast. Line up abreast looking at 5 islands ahead. Perform 6X the said excercise at each island and back to start. Total of 4 Rounds (Merkin, Heals to Heaven, CDD, LBC)

Round 3: Wall Work Mosey back to one of the business picnic areas by the pond. Stepups, dips and decline merkins X 15. Repeat twice

5 min of Mary Freddie Mercury X 20 LBC X 20 American Hammer X 20

MOLESKIN Fun to lead this group! Have not posted at Bagpipe in over a year prior to this month. Funny story on the Usain Bolt from COP. YHC’s wife mentioned something she did in a neighborhood women’s workout. Decided to try but did not have a name so went with Usain Bolt as it resembled the starting stance of a sprinter. It shredded the quads! Total of 43 including Swift and 1 FNG (Ketterer Bell). Thanks for coming out!

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Margo author

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5 years ago

Thanks for leading, Margo! Great workout and thanks for the BB!

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