Monthly Archive August 2018

The Pax doth protest too much, methinks

39 Pax showed up for another MTM.  Despite the non-stop complaining about partner carries, it always amazes me that the group continues to post every Monday and even has grown.  The Pax doth protest too much, methinks…


All kidding aside, it’s awesome to see our group grow so much.  There has been a lot of debate lately about if we need to start a new Monday AO to level it out, run a split Q, or just leave it alone.  The verdict is out, but I think everyone will agree that it’s great to see so many new (an old) faces each Monday.  For those that are new or relatively new, keep posting, keep pushing, and find a 2nd F (fellowship) or 3rd F (Faith) place to plug in.  Some suggestions for both are in the announcements below.  There is also coffeteria each Saturday after Commitment for those that want to explore another day to post.


Anyway, here we go:


The Warmup

  • Started with a brisk lap around both parking lots
  • Circle and eloquent disclaimer given
  • 15 SSH IC
  • 15 Mountain Climbers
  • A little calf stretching (this woke up Frack’s grumpy side right away)


The Thang

  • Mosey to sidewalk
  • Round #1
    • Partner carries all the way to Transporter’s shed – After attending a Dredd Q (he is 1 of the co-founders of F3), who called for partner carries, they have a new life at MTM.
    • Switch as needed
    • 10 jump squats at each change
    • We had a few casualties, including Frack pounding his face on the pavement.  Surprisingly, this seemed to calm his grumpy spirit…
  • Round #2
    • Remain w/ partner
    • P1 = donkey kicks (AMRAP)
    • P2 = run to end of bus line & back
    • 2 rounds each
  • Round #3
    • Mosey to circle behind HS for some triple nickel
    • 5 jump squats x run to school x 5 box jumps x 5 rounds
  • Round #3
    • Mosey to side of HS
    • Run back to front of MS w/ 10 jump squats at every light (This ended up being the crowd favorite, even more than the partner carries and will have to make another appearance in the near future).
  • Jailbreak back to start
  • COT



  • Welcome to Schneider, another Briar Crest recruit.  His name comes from the fact he is in the supply business for shady apartment complexes.
  • Sanctuary – Every Monday night at Brooklyn Pizza in Wesley Chapel (7:30pm) – Currently studying The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis
  • Bible study Sunday mornings at Five Stones (7:30am) – Currently studying the Book of John
  • Church on the Street this Sunday – See Bottlecap for details
  • Sandbox – Need volunteers for security at the Prom – See Transporter for details
  • Flash will be on the Labor Day schedule next Monday – 6:30am start



Moon gazin….No not at paperjams either.

So YHC comes back from his wonderful vacation that he did not work out at all to a post by the mild mannered paperjam. He had to go and make YHC feel supreemly less of a man becasue I did not run a bridge and did not have a cool photo of the sun and the moon. BTW if you have not read the slack post check out #mumblechater. Spoiler alert there is no drainage grates vandalyzed in the post. YHC also found out that his lack of physical care in the past week was going to haunt him when chedder stated that I had Q in the gloom the next day. So the next morning YHC could not sleep and got to the AO at 445 and made a list of pain stations on the ground with his 7 year old daughtes play chalk. It was commented on that the handwrighting was sub par and made no sense especially to the Q who wrote it. At 5 the loan pre runner was just YHC and on the lap back Chedder pulls up at 515 and we proceed to go across the street and get lost and just made it back to launch. This is the second time that Chedder and YHC have gotten lost on a run. As we started up the PAX were suprised that there were going to be stations and lots of running. We also had our dear friend Sandy with us which I was informed by No Show our LGBTQIA versed member that I was not allowed to assign a gender to Sandy so it is just a bag full of sand or what ever it chooses to identify with. As we ran indian run with Sandy always at the lead we took a turn to the darkest part of the AO and YHC thought about his life and the fact he was in his 2nd third of his journey. YHC paused the pax to thank them and to tell him his hope challange with his injuries and with his ongoing career change. YHC aslo told them he loved them and was proud to lead them in the Gloom some uncomfortable glances later we were running again with Sandy. YHC read a article about Dabo Swinney (yes Tiger Fan) about how he belived that the word “love” is the most underused word in our language. When we start using Love in our words are actions are not far behind. Dumpsterfire in the COT had a powerfull statement in the closing prayer. To paraphrase he said even though his brother passed, brotherhood is not dead it lives strong with in the MEN of F3 and our Love has supported him in this diffcult time. So if you have a moment to say “I love you.” to a special person in your life please take the time. Start making the word “LOVE” the most used word in our lexicon and see if our actions and maybe theirs will change for the better.

Where’d you go, Madison?

AYE. Twelve (soon to be 11) posted at The Matrix for what turned out to be a for real #oldschool beatdown. YHC never quite knows how the workout will unfold until arrival, but upon seeing the PAX eager for AMRAP, I changed plans. Here’s more or less what transpired:

Mosey to lower parking lot
Warmup – Imperial Walkers, Plank-o-rama

Gather at end of parking lot behind the East island
Simple instructions – do the specified exercise at East island, do 1 more burpee at West island, lap back for the next exercise. Rounds were:
25 x Merkins
25 x Jump Squats
25 x Heels-to-Heaven
25 x Diamonds
25 x Monkey Humpers
25 x Freddie Mercury
25 x Widearms
25 x Romanian Deadlifts
25 x WWII Situps
10 x Pull ups
25 x Sumo squats
25 x Little Baby Twist
25 x Exploding Merkins
25 x Sister Mary Catherines
25 x Dolly

Totals – 120 burpees, 360 reps, 2+ miles

1. We had lots of strange behavior from the PAX today. First, PopTart emailed me last night at 9:45 to let me know that he would not be attending the workout because he was “celebrating” his anniversary. Dudebro, I do not want to receive any emails from you on your anniversary night. Just FYI. Second, OT showed up 5 minutes late because he claimed that he couldn’t decide whether or not he should wear a shirt. OT, always wear a shirt. Otherwise, you will leave puddles of sweat everywhere and someone will slip and get hurt. Third, Madison disappeared somewhere between rounds 3 and 4 without saying anything. He just disappeared into the Gloom. It’s a mystery. Sound off below so that we know you’re ok and to explain thyself.

2. For those of us who were actually at the workout and on time, it was a #smokefest. No Regerts was at the front of the pack for a while but got overtaken eventually by Gypsy. Christmas was only fast on the last sprint, after which he admitted to #sandbagging. At least he’s honest.

3. Much complaining about the burpees, but, personally, I think that’s the easiest way to knock out 120 burpees. I know, I know – I said 110 at the workout but realized later that I’d missed the mark by 10. Even with the 20 burpee margin of error over the required 100 at a McGee Q (that’s a legend and is not actually true), it’s doubtful that Prohibition got over 70.

4. No Regerts announced that his wife just opened a new bakery next to his tattoo shop in Matthews called Baked Well. This announcement explained why his name is No Regerts (get it? Tats you regret?) and also reminded me of some of my friends in high school, who were pretty always on a quest to be well baked. Anyway, I don’t think you can get well baked on the baked goods at Baked Well, but it’s worth a shot. Apparently the chocolate chip scones are incredible.


#horseneck OUT

Ultimate – Round 3

14 men came out for a Fun Friday at Joust (emphasis on the fun). We played Ultimate, did some burpees, talked to at least one fair-weather Tennessee fan, and sent one skins team member home to pray about his attitude.


Ultimate Frisbee (thanks Yeti for the sweet disc, brah)

Every time you’re scored on, you do 5 burpees (add five if scored on twice in a row)


Great game out there by everyone – also, no one got their block knocked off coming across the field in the dark.


Enjoyed it fellas, I’ll definitely be back for some more of that in the future.


It was a fantastic cool  morning,  55 to be exact, great morning to sub Q as Spooky is working through back issues.  Great guy, we will get him back when he is up to speed again, for sure!

WU: 15SSH, 15 Merkins, 15 IW, and something else…

The Thing:  mosey across the street to the NEW Harris Teeter,  impressive area, pleny of space to with with,  hit the light pole,  instructions were simple.  Run 2 light poles 10 squats run back one pole 5 burpees.  9 Poles in total,  did some step ups and then something similar on the way back.   Mosey back home for some wind sprints and out.


Love to run buy the “Gladiator” group while they are paying some guy $100 a month to do the same thing were doing for free. Seems the Lifetime boot camp also ran to the parking lot for some F3 education as Doc had to bust McGee’s chops for form on Burpees,  McGee fought back hard in defense his form met Burpee Regulations.   It was good to see Mr. Bean, havn’t seen him since he went fishing months ago,  still waiting for my invite…. Astro showed no mercy and put the Burpees down,  Job was a bit tentative on the cadence count until he was given no choice by a call out by McGee.  Uncle Leo and Huggie Bear didn’t quit and put in the work. Our FNG (Menzel) who started on a Burpee heavy work out but kept jumping back in the mix.  McGee, Alf and Doc did their standard stout performance.  Pop Tart showed his speed on the last wind sprints letting us all know that light flaky breakfast lacks no speed.


Finished the workout with a Hope story from McGee on learning new perspective and how we need to leverage each other experiences to help each other.


Appreciate  the opportunity to lead gents,  remember the theme,  2 steps forward, sometimes one back, but get back on it and push forward.

A River Run’s Through It

There is never a shortage of workouts and backblasts throughout the Union County Area.  Today, I had the joy of hanging out with some of the PAX and families while we floated down the Catawba River.  Now, you may think that the behaviors and personalities would change outside of a workout at 5:30 in the morning.  However, there is never a shortage of jokes  or fun strewn throughout an F2 even with my fellow F3 Brethren.

The Thang

Show up to the Catawba River near the Pump House

  • Realize there are a ton of people who choose to rent rafts in the area to float down the river.
    • You can purchase tubes ahead of time for $10 or pay $20 to rent a tube for the day
    • The raft companies make a fortune renting the same inner tubes we purchased for the day- Find Academy Sports or Amazon before Arriving
    • To be a bit quicker, go ahead and drop off a couple of cars at River Park prior to driving to going to the entry point.
  • The PAX spend about 30 minutes inflating inner tubes and dragging our coolers and gear down to the river.
    • It is hard to get 12 tubes launched in a single chain into the river
    • Rubbermaid learned his yellow cooler doesn’t really float
    • Ice melts really quickly when your cooler fills with water
    • We were finally launched and floating down the river
  • Every floating journey comes with its own challenges
    • Floating down the river as a big circle sounds really easy until:
      • You realize we were all really bad a tying knots
      • If you catch a connecting rope or tube on a rock, many go in the water
      • Many of us went into the water:  Loss of beer, snack and the speaker really didn’t like river water
      • And, the yellow cooler is more like a weight full of water than a cooler after its second trip into the river
      • It is much easier to go through the rocks when you are floating as a single line
    • The kids never actually were really board
      • Lots of kids jumping into the water and throwing balls between the rafts
      • Snacks make the river a lot of fun
      • Damascus likes to flip people out of their tubes, even if they are sitting on a cooler
    • How do you stop at a given point in the river
      • Damascus makes a great anchor to pull the tubes into the rocky wading area
      • He set a record for  Man Touch via the pulling of the tubes into the exit ramp
      • We had a siting of Baby Bell and Lamar, both of which have sworn off any workouts before noon
  • The group had a great time hanging out and floating down the river.  There were ample jokes made about ziplocks Horse hear becoming deflated and how the could have been broken in addition to the recommendations of how to “Blow It” up.  We rapped up the day at Steak and Shake prepping for the weigh in tomorrow.


Field trip to Promenade

Posted on behalf of Beaver

The Thang:

Mosey to the Fire Station for COT:
SSHx25 in cadence
IWx25 in cadence
50 merkins OYO
Plank Jacksx25 in cadence
Dollyx25 in cadence
Flutterx25 in cadence

Mosey to Promenade on Providence (central island):

PAX led Mary until Q arrived (nice leadership from the PAX!)
Bench stepsx20
Decline merkinsx20
Plank variations
Cleansing lap around island
Rinse and repeat x2

Pause to pay homage to an orange McLaren in the parking lot by doing 20 merkins.

Mosey back to Fire Station:

Mary varietals at Fire Station including –
1) PAX led Mary
2) Heels to heavenx15 in cadence
3) Russian twistx15 in cadence
4) Squid exercisex15 in cadence – name unknown (still trying to forget this one – too painful)

Mosey to rock pile:
Curlsx15in cadence
Military pressx15 in cadence
Tricep pressdx15 in cadence
Rinse and repeatx10 in cadence

End with 5 burpees, thanks to Witch Doctor’s watch which gave us 20 more seconds in the workout.


It was an honor to lead the PAX today in my first Q back at Area 51 in a long time.

Great to see Rad (Witch Doctor’s 2.0) and nice takeout prayer by OT.

Great work by all!

My sandbag is heavier than yours!

The fall-like air brought on a lot of mumblechatter for this group of 11 men.  It was a lively, chatty crew…..but a tough one just the same.  It was designated as “heavy” day at RZ which means the pax should expect to be lifting “body weight plus” as defined by site Q Flipper.  So, after being told I was already one minute late in getting started (again, it was a talkative lot), I delivered an eloquent disclaimer and off we went:

Warm Up:

Jog to front Calvary yard.  There was a mob sized number of geese in the front yard who looked hungry so I decided to not run all the way to the front Calvary sign where most  of them were claiming turf.

  • IW
  • Low Slow Squat
  • Plank Jacks

The Thang:

Merkin Circle:

Jog to the front court yard of the church.  Form a circle and get in the plank position.  Shuffle while staying in the plank position either 5 paces to the left or right based upon YHC’s command.  When finished with 5 paces, drop for 5 merkins of stated variety.  I think we fit in garden variety merkins, HR merkins and diamonds.  Two notes on the merkin circle:  Spackler was lined up to my left and quickly told me I was shuffling toward him too quickly…..I guess I made him nervous.  Secondly, Deep Dish REALLY liked the merkin circle thing.  He called for it no less than a dozen remaining times throughout the hour….glad you enjoyed it DD!

Sand Bag Duty:

Jog to the front parking lot.  I commandeered 7 sand bags from both Flipper and Hoover.  The bags were waiting for us at this location.  Grab a partner and while partner #1 runs the distance of the islands at the front lot and back, partner #2 uses the sand bag for called exercise:  1) squats and 2) bench presses.  The third exercise was a team combo of alternating lunges and running the distance between your partner and the end of the islands.

LOTS of feedback occurred during this exercise.  Spackler insinuated my lunges looked more like a feminine curtsy than a lunge.  Rude!  Gummy also protested that his sand bag was heavier than anyone elses. Um……Whatevs!

I originally planned to call partner carries back to the starting point of the front lot, but Deep Dish was SO smitten with the merkin circle, I called it again for him!  You is welcome DD!

The Beast:

Jog to the soccer fields.  Line up abreast for a F3 classic.  Six cones were lined up across the fields.  Run to each cone for 6 of the called work.  I believe we did flutters, jump squats, LBC’s, CDD’s and Sister Mary Catherine.  The talking certainly didn’t die down here either!  Lots of threats of mutiny if we did burpees……lots of discussion about Hillary Clinton…….lots of statements of “we don’t like you, Hopper”.  It’s ok….feedback is welcomed, just not necessarily listened to!

The Plates:

Jog toward the church.  Flipper and Hoover also leant me some 25, 35 and 45 lb plates.  Partner up with new sidekick.  Partner #1 places plate on the planking back of Partner #2.  Partner #2 planks and/or does merkins while Partner #1 runs to chosen light post and back.  Flapjack.  Presses with plate with rosalitaing and curls were also incorporated at this station.  Prohibition had his own version of the rosalita press which was a combo of a dying cockroach and an ice capade on her back.  It will take a LONG time before I can get that image out of my head.

Wall time:

Jog to the restroom hotbox and grab some wall to sit.  We did leg lifts, raised arms and arm presses alternating with AYG sprints to designated light post.  A guy who looked a lot like Purrell (but, obviously was not Purrell since he is only BRR training and not showing up at boot camps), led the AYG sprints EVERY dang time.

Run It Back:

We lined up and Native American ran it back to our starting point taking the long route of the outer perimeter of the parking lot.  We then finished up with a couple of Mary exercises.

That’s a wrap!

Despite  many “suggestions” made throughout the hour, we made it through.  Man, the weather was beautiful and it gave us a glimpse of what the morning will truly feel like in another month or so.  Just awesome.  The pax was great and candidly it would not have been the same or fun without the mumblechatter that was shared.  Rock Zero (fka The Rock….gratuitous plug there Pro) will always feel like my home AO so thanks for letting my lead Flipper and Hoover!  Thanks also to the ten pax who showed up and made it worthwhile!


  • Aug 31: Sandbox Evening to Believe: Formal Dance Event which needs volunteers. Details are on preblast on F3 Site.
  • Crane Relay sign ups end today.
  • Isabella Santos Speed for Need race in end  of Sept.

Hoover, thanks for the great take-out prayer!






Pre-Pre-Running, Pre-Running and Sandbags

3 Men showed up for the 4:30 Flat Pre-Pre-Run…..

2 More Men Showed Up for the Pre-Run…

3 More Men Showed up for the Main Event…

The Thang….

Pair up and grab a sandbag either a 40, 50, 60 or 70. The choice really doesn’t matter as we will switch it up.

Mosey over to the School Bus lot for a little Diesel fumed COP.

SSH x 14

Windmills x 7

and a car came so move over.

Have the other member of the pair carry the sandbag down the hill to the football field.

Line up facing down the field to the alternate goal post.

The first man in the team will bear crawl pulling the sandbag underneath him. The other man will do 10 merkins and run up to the other teammate and take over bear crawling. After each man had 2 cycles of this on his sandbag YHC will call switch. Each team moves one sandbag to the left. Repeat for 120 Yards.

Next up face back from whence we came. One Teammate will do deadlifts with the bag and the other runs to the far goal post and back. Two rounds of this moving to the sandbag on your left. Next round, run half the field while your partner is doing curls. Move a sand bag to the left. Then repeato with Overhead press. Move a sandbag to the left. Each team gets a chance at all the sandbags.

There is only one way to get back down the field. The same way we got here. Bear Crawl and Merkins.

After 120 yards we lined up at the bottom of the dragon’s crack hill. One partner got on his six and held the sandbag in the air while doing flutters, and the other ran up the hill to the dugout and back. The team of flutterers did 20 IC. Flapjack. All 4 teams had a chance at all 4 sandbags.

One man from each team carries the bag up the hill to the bus lot and then the other brings it home.

Got back with 3 minutes to spare. 8 Sandbags and eight people perfect. Everyone grab one and do a run a loop around the parking lot.



Great group of guys today. 3 Kotters and 5 regulars. All of the men worked well together. A few things I noted. Copay, who hasn’t done an F3 workout in about a year, is still fast and strong. Punchlist who is just getting back into F3 stayed in good running shape thanks to his M shaming him. Sharknado took a 2 year hiatus and is still skinnier than YHC. #notfair

As for the usuals it was the usual. Cobbler took a deuce, One-niner took a deuce (two weeks a row must be eating with cobbler on Wednesday nights), Cheddar is awaiting a baby while trying to do CSAUPs as close to her due date as possible #firstkid, and General is still fast and strong.


It was a pleasure to lead this fine group of men. Sign-up for Isabella Santos, Sign up for Crane relay.



Sixteen men made it out bright and early to Hydra.  All were disclaimed and away we went.

COP in the field behind the school

LSS, IW & Monkey Humper x 15.  Merkin and LS merkin x 10

First station of the circuit work began at the jungle gym where each man did as many pull ups as possible followed by 15 merkins.  Mosey to the benches by the front of the school and complete dips and durkins x 15 each.  Mosey to the third station which is the benches at the other side of the front of the school and complete LSS and step ups x 15 each.  We ran this circuit three times.

Mosey to the back field for a little core work.  Starting at the zero yard line, we completed LBC’s center, LBC right and LBC left x 10 each.  Mosey to the 50 yard line and get some Dolly and Rosalita x 15 each.  Run to the 100 yard line for flutter and American Hammer x 15 each.  This circuit was completed twice.

From the back filed we ran to the church lot and grabbed some rocks.  Partner 1 did curls, triceps and overhead press (x15 each) while partner 2 ran the parking lot to the far street.  Flap jack and complete this circuit twice.

By now we were running out of time and steam.  Time to head on back.  Frosty paws took us out.


It was a great morning as we finally got a break in the humidity.  Perhaps fall is here to stay.  Everyone really pushed hard today and made it happen.