Where are all of these cars going???

  • The PAX: Early Bird, Drano, Picasso, Meatloaf, Pop Tart, Purrell, Jello, Lois, Gullah, Sony, Nomad, Benny, Houdini, Tweetsie, Slice, Sensei, Adobe, Insomniac, Slim Fast

Where are all of these cars going???

… at freaking 0530 in the morning?  This is not a highway… for crying out loud!!

… but we all made it… even Insomniac after he had been abducted by aliens for the first 40 minutes of an hour workout doing who-knows-what… we all made it out and back!

18 Goats gathered in the SCMS steamy morning, and 19 returned… (see abduction of Insomniac…)

Here is what went down:

  1. Mosey to RTCC on Raintree Ln.
  2. Dynamic stretching in RTCC overflow parking lot (thanks to Tweetsie providing recon)
  3. Gassers up Raintree hill to Four Mile Creek stop sign… recover back to bottom of hill (.25 mile one-way x 3)
  4. Gasser to bottom of Wind Bluff
  5. Return to SCMS

DONE!  4.5 to 5-miles covered.  Excellent job!


Great to have guys joining us who are getting ready for BRR.  You guys are always welcome to join us!  This week, we had Picasso, Meatloaf and Pop Tart out.  Thank you guys for joining… we’ll expect you to be regulars for the next 3-4 weeks!  Pop Tart even took the initiative to lead the PAX in some LBC’s… thanks for the extra credit!

Second week out for Purrell… who once again led the pack on the gassers… extremely strong!

And second week out for Jello… who is obviously addicted to pain!  But seriously, he is getting BRR driver ready so he can throw guys out of the van, scoop up waters and gatorades in one hand, AND run a leg or two just for the heck of it!!  Drano is the BRR driver captain, and leading by example!!  He too, has to be ready to wear several hats over the BRR weekend!

Lois was looking extremely strong on the gassers to Four Mile Creek.  Same for Gullah, Sony, Nomad, Benny and Houdini!

Adobe, Early Bird, Slice, Tweetsie and Sensei put in some great gasser efforts… you guys are awesome!

Not sure what Insomniac did after the probing… he didn’t look too upset, so I assume it was what he is familiar with…


  1.  Java Run Saturdays at 0600 at Bevington Greenway entrance
  2. Rumrunner Sundays time and location varies… watch for tweets/texts from Slim Fast

Adobe took us out in prayer… prayers answered for Insomniac’s M’s tests!

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