Monthly Archive July 2017

Fat camp backblast

2 plus miles at fat camp  – a new record

Backblast late because of Haggis ineptitude and inability to follow simple instructions

The Thang

Run around the school for warm up

Stretch a bit

Run around the school stopping for 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 merkins on the way.

Go to pull up bars.  Pull up ladder with full extension.  Start with 1, rest. Then 2, rest. Up to 5. Very hard to do more than 5 at the top of the ladder when performed this way.

Take a break – pax plank while one of us does a monkey bar circuit as far as possible.  All take their turn.

Repeat 3 times.

Run to bottom of hill.  Start with 10 6-count burpees, then run up hill for 30 seconds.  Back down for 8 burpees.  Repeat until time runs out.


Only 4 of us but this was a solid workout and everyone worked hard.  Toothpaste said he couldn’t do pull-ups, then did a whole lot of them.  Truth be told, more actual pull-ups were performed in this single workout than in a normal week of F3 workouts.  Yep, that’s a dig on form.  We did them right.

The hill repeats with the challenge to go a little further each time are always a crowd pleaser.  Amazing how this routine never fails to wear you out.

YHC hasn’t led in a while, and I appreciated the opportunity.  Thanks all.

2 out of 3 is BAD

After a Twitter firestorm yesterday, 14 PAX posted against their better judgement for this week’s Hydra humidity beat down courtesy of YHC.  Brief “don’t be stupid” disclaimer to the veteran PAX, and we were off.

COP (all exercises IC)

  • LSS x16 (odd qty?  I think not…stay tuned)
  • Shoulder Tap Merkin x10
  • Jump Split Lunge x10
  • MC x10
  • Peter Parker x10
  • Parker Peter x10
  • Good Morning Nashville x10

The Thang

Mosey to church rock pile.  Partner up.  Choose running rock.  P1 runs w/ rock (Haze’s FAVORITE): R on Rea, R on Windyrush.  P2 runs sans rock:  L on Rea, L on Edenbridge, L Windyrush.  P1 transfers rock to P2; continue same direction to complete the loop back to the rock pile.  Equal rock carrying distance covered by each PAX.  Genius.

Mosey to OPES bus parking lot aka CMS’ finest asphalt.  PAX who forgot gloves would soon be cursing YHC.  Grab a parking space line.  Starting from one side of the line, plank walk to the other side of the line, perform 2 merkins.  Rinse and repeat until 8 line crosses and hence 16 merkins were performed. 8 x 2 = 16 for you Volunteer fans incl. Frosty Paws

Mary at OPES basketball black top.  Dolly, Flutter ea. x16 IC, Slow Merkins x10 IC

Mosey to baseball field concession area.  New partners.  4-leg Starfish.  Leg 1: 5 pull-ups, Leg 2: 5 burpees, Leg 3: 10 Jump Squats, Leg 4: 10 Diamond Merkins.  Return to concession area after each leg for 5 plank knee-ups.

Mosey to OPES basketball black top:  Planker’s Delight.  PAX lines up abreast.  Assume plank position.  PAX #1 plank walks down the line facing the PAX, stopping for 1-merkin at each PAX, who also performs the merkin.  Rinse and repeat until all PAX have completed the Plank Walk of Pain.

Mosey to front football (or soccer?) field.  Mosey to each of the 4 corners in CCW fashion.  Corner #1: 5 Merkins.  Corner #2: 10 Jump Squats.  Corner #3: 15 Merkins.  Corner #4: 20 Jump Squats

Mosey to back wall for People’s Chair.  PAX #1 performs 10 Merkins (or more) in front of squatting PAX, then heads back to wall.  PAX #2 performs 10 Merkins….you get the drift.



My, my….where to begin?  In yesterday’s Twitter-sphere, Purple Haze specified the following Hydra Trifecta which should be avoided at all costs:  1) Hops’ tank top, 2) Iron Horse’s 2″ inseam running shorts, and 3) Shirtless Semi Gloss.  Item 1:  Rectified by Hops and M Hops; tank top has been destroyed  Items 2 and 3:  Most definitely NOT rectified.  Iron Horse rolled into the AO, parked, and unveiled more leg skin than you see at Uptown Whiskey River on a Saturday night.  The PAX recovered from IH’s initial shock and awe campaign; however, IH gained his sweet revenge during People’s Chair.  Regular merkins in front of the PAX?  Yeah, right… Try reverse plank jacks, and by reverse, I mean the PAX was facing the southbound end of northbound mule.  Most of the PAX quickly looked away in horror, but Purple Haze could not turn away, as if transfixed on a bad car crash.  I fear Haze has suffered irreparable mental and emotional damage.

Item 3 occurred at some point during the beat down, perhaps Pre-Planker’s Delight, perhaps afterwards.  The PAX was oddly at peace with the bare chested one.  Disturbing…  Next time, partner carries.  Oddly enough, it was around this time that I noticed my watch spontaneously set back 3 hours.  Coincidence, or was my Timex Non-GPS Ironman experiencing a disturbance in the F3 universe force due to the aforementioned 2/3 Trifecta convergence?  Mysterious…

Other random observations:

16 represents the number of football national titles won by my beloved Crimson Tide.  YHC is a proud graduate, ’94, ’96.  Frosty Paws (who named his son Knox in honor of Knoxville, TN) just loved this factoid.  I will be expecting that dinner invitation any day now, FP.  Good thing I did not choose 26 as the number of the day (represents the number of SEC titles won by….well, you know).  And before you start chirping, yes, Clemson PAX, I realize that you STILL have the belt, as I have been regularly reminded at every single post since January.

Planker’s Delight continues to suck out loud.  Brutal and merciless in dishing out pain .

Great to see Cheese Curd in the gloom after a long boot camp layoff due to an Achilles (?) injury.  Hope to see you again, brother.

Floor Slapper arrived pre-launch.  I checked my watch for malfunctions, but found none.

Solid work by all PAX today.  Request was made for more boot camp, less running, so I was happy to oblige.  Honored to lead this group of Area 51’s finest.



Anvil – Death Valley convergence, Wed. 7/19, at Anvil.  Coffee and fellowship to follow.  Check Twitter for Details.  Hops will be delivering words of encouragement and/or fashion advice for IH during the fellowship time.

5000 Swings – Remembering Live Aid 1985

10 men grinded it out in the heat and humidity this morning.  This is what they did to better themselves.

A thorough disclaimer was given as our FNG and our site FNG rolled up right at 5:30.



SSH x 10 IC

IW x 10 IC

Civilian count Merkins x 15 IC

Hip flexor stretch L and R

Pigeon stretch L and R

Back stretches



500 kettle bell swings with a few low volume strength exercises thrown it (see below).


Cluster One (100 swings)

10 swings + 1 shoulder press L/R

15 swings + 2 shoulder press L/R

25 swings + 3 shoulder press L/r

50 swings

Rest 30/30/60/120 seconds after each set


Cluster Two (100 swings)

10 swings + 1 Lawn Mower L/R

15 swings + 2 Lawn Mower L/R

25 swings + 3 Lawn Mower L/R

50 swings

Rest 30/30/60/120 seconds after each set


Cluster Three (100 swings)

10 swings + 1 Goblet Squat

15 swings + 2 Goblet Squat

25 swings + 3 Goblet Squat

50 swings

Rest 30/30/60/120 seconds after each set


Cluster Four (100 swings)

10 swings then move to your left and use your partner’s KB

Rinse and repeat X 10 sets = 100 swings

Tri Extensions after 1st 5 stations and Bi Curls after last 5 stations


Cluster Five (100 swings)

On your own



Hold plank facing the circle

PAX 1 does 3 merkins while the remaining 9 hold the plank

Moving to the left, each pax does 3 merkins while the remaining 9 hold the plank

Rinse and repeat with 4 and then 5 merkins





Thank you Bulldog for taking us out



The hecking and refuseniking began with the first called stretch.  Let’s just say there was less than 100% participation.  Stretching the hip flexors and back were meant to prevent overuse injury as YHC knew what was about to happen.  Despite the pre-blast warning of 500 swings, 10 meatheads showed up to test their mettle and forge greater strength and endurance.  T-claps to all the pax for grinding through this boring, simple, difficult weinke.

10 guys, 500 swings each, 5000 swings before sunrise, not a bad way to start a Thursday.

The pre-planned recovery breaks were not uniformly used.  The PAX certainly exceeded the weinke’s expectations with the number of reps for the low volume strength exercises at the end of each set.  Lot’s of Goblet Squats a Lawn Mowers were done today.  Cluster four had mixed success.  We were running low on time so it was up to each of us to figure out the best way to pace those last 100.  Those that tried to bust out 50 in a row thought it was a bad choice.   Everyone finished with a few minutes to spare, but not enough for burpees or Turkish get-ups.

High Tide and Voodoo were swinging some heavy metal today.  High Tide brought out a small assortment of bell options, which accounted for 30% of our total bell count and probably only about 30% of his total bell count too.

Blazing Saddles, Orange Whip, and Drive By were quietly cranking out the reps and making it look easy.

Bulldog and Swiss Miss were always finishing first.  Bulldog went to his wheel house for an assortment of ab exercises and Swiss Miss just kept rushing the recovery periods, “What’s next, 25 and 2?” was heard on several occasions.

Witch Doctor, Orange Whip, and Voodoo provided kettle bell instructions and advice for our FNG – Thanks guys!

Meat runners today – High Tide and Orange Whip.  YHC was pretty whipped after that beat down.  Hard to imaging pulling off all those reps after running a few miles.  T-Claps!

War Daddy was Blazing Saddles and our 2 War Babies were Orange Whip and Drive By.

Welcome to our FNGJeff.  He’s a Charlottean who lives within running distance and was EH’d by Orange Whip.  Great job hanging in there today brother.  keep posting!  He was named for his favorite vegetable – Cucumber.  Welcome, Cucumber!

Welcome to our site-FNG – Drive by.  Strong work today!

YHC promised 50 burpees for each FNG and 25 burpees for each site-FNG.  So 75 burpees will be completed today (couldn’t finish them all this morning).  Thanks High Tide for contributing some Burpees for the cause.  We need to keep encouraging new pax to post here!

July 13, 1985 was LIVE AID, so today is the 32nd anniversary.   At that time our pax ranged in age from 2 to 15.  Ah, the mid-80’s.  I was 13 then, and this concert brought my attention to the starvation in Ethiopia.  Thought it’d be worth remembering this historical event today.

LIVE AID was a dual-venue benefit concert to raise funds for relief of the ongoing Ethiopian famine. Billed as the “global jukebox”, the event was held simultaneously at Wembley Stadium in London, England, United Kingdom (attended by 72,000 people) and John F. Kennedy Stadium in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States (attended by about 100,000 people).[1]

On the same day, concerts inspired by the initiative happened in other countries, such as the Soviet Union, Canada, Japan, Yugoslavia, Austria, Australia and West Germany. It was one of the largest-scale satellite link-ups and television broadcasts of all time; an estimated global audience of 1.9 billion, across 150 nations, watched the live broadcast.[2

Our tunes today were a sampling of the more upbeat tunes from that day. We heard from Led Zeppelin, The Cars, The Who, Black Sabbath, Bryan Adams, Tom Petty, Juda Preist, Dire Straits, Simple Minds.  YHC omitted some of the iconic pop tunes from that concert such as Bang a Gong Get it On and The Reflex.  Too afraid of heckling last night.  Wish I would’ve just played them now for fun.

As always, thanks to the site-Q’s – High Tide and Brown – for the opportunity to lead today!



Continue to keep the family of Cheech in your prayers.  The 1st annual memorial 10K will be in Lexington, SC on 11/11/17.  Proceeds go to his family.  His pax ask us to keep the young lady from the accident in our prayers too.

Check out the weekly F3 Nantan Calls – which are available live Friday mornings, and are available always on podcast.

Come out to Kevlar tomorrow where Bulldog has the Q.  He promises a complete beat down, unless you are Voodoo.  In that case it will be a moderate work-out.

Site Q’s High Tide and Brown will be rotating off in a few weeks.  Thank you for your service, men!

If you want to read more about where this came from and consider your own kettle bell swing challenge, check out this article from Dan John:

Next time, YHC promises more variety.  And it won’t be any easier!  SYITG!


The Bear Fight

The Thang:

Short run to back parking lot.
20 Side straddle hop
5 MerkanS
15 Emperial Walker
5 merkan
15 flutter kicks
5 merkan5

short jog to the Bear Fight Course.

A rectangle course. front right corner, carolina dry docks, then bear crawl to next station. Lbc’s then sprint to next station. Merkans, then back pedal to next station. Low slow squats, then sprint to beginning station. Did this course 3 times around.

Back to parking lot for Tequila Sunrise excersise. Split group in half, group in circles facing outward. Legs at 45 degrees, one man runs around pushing feet down, then next until completed circle. Then same concept running around circle, but planking this time.

Next to the wall. Air chairs with 37 arm presses. Rest, then balls to the wall for 10 count. Repeat 2 times.
Short run back to the start. Then group Protractor with various angles. 5 merkan>
Then 20 side straddle hop
5 merkan

15 emprial Walker
5 mekan
Then stretch it out. Bend at waist, down the middle and to each leg. then pigeon pose. Followed by 5 merkan.
Then Snoopy added 5 Burpees.

The Moleskin:
The excersises Bear Fight and tequila sunrise come from me being a professional bartender. A bear fight is a car bomb followed by a jager bomb. Messy and can make the stomach nauseous, just like this excersise.

Santini(who is my actual older brother) came out for my VQ. He added extra banter to the group. He gave a powerful speech and the end of the workout that if I wasn’t so dehydrated from sweating so much, I’m sure I would have teared up. Snoopy decided to be a real Munson and add 5 Burpees at the end of the workout. Shake N bake pointed out good decision to have Carolina dry docks, followed by a 40 yard bear crawl….I didn’t think that through. Hoodini showed up with sleeves on his shirt, dropping the sleeveless brothers down to 2 instead of our normal 3…thanks hoodini! Missed Tweetsie, slimfast, bennie, and Booyah. Booyah has a lame excuse of his wife being due to have her child in the next week. Had a blast, cant wait for next time.

How about a little Murderhorn and some Rocks

24 or so men stepped into the Gloom to get a bit stronger and faster this sweaty a.m.


The thang….

5:30 lets go. Circle up in front of the theater and get disclaimed.

Next the warm up (all in cadence of course)

25 – SSH

10 x Merkins

15 x IW

10 x Windmills

Good enough… Head to the top of the murder Horn.

Run down on the left side and stop for 10 merkins at each street light. Gather up for some Mary.

Next head to the rock pile by the playground. Pair up and pick your rock judiciously your partner will be running to the park doing 10 pull-ups and back.

3 sets 1. curls 2. overhead press 3. tricep extensions

Plankorama while waiting for the 6.

Head over to the park for some more upper body work.

Everyone grab a seat for some dips, planks, derkins and what the heck maybe some step-ups.

Next we head back to the bottom of the murderhorn.

10 merkins at each light on the way up. push yourself hard. if you are in front do 15.

Everyone end together with 10 merkins in cadence.

Back over to the launch point for some Mary. That’s it.



It was great leading so many men. Everyone did a great job pushing themselves today. I appreciate the effort. There were a few things I noticed. 1. The Harris Teeter has to Hate F3. I know of at least 2 men today who had to make pit stops today. Also, Goonie does not have good form, I think it is due to his soccer arms, he is a runner now if you didn’t notice.



Need for Speed is visiting SOB land in September. We need a good crew for both Chairs.

This weekend Need for Speed will be at the Morrison Y from 6 – 9. Come out and talk to people share F3 and Speed for Need.


Charlotte, NC – MetroCharlotte, NC – South DMZ

When: 07/10/17
QIC: Kirk
The PAX: Backdraft, Agony, Aquafresh, Lovebug, Benefactor, Orlando, Bout Time, Pothole, Dropbox, Rachel, Kirk


Late night email / tweet went out that the scheduled Q had a childhood illness pop up while siteQ was DR. YHC has been teetering on IR for seemingly forever and somehow caught a summer cold last week, but with no other plans, willingly accepted the push to be the backup.

First step – setting two alarms – was easy. Actually waking up proved a good deal harder. The FS becomes more enveloping with time, harder to roll out and get back into the routine. Thankful for the second alarm. (Reminder that the EH’ing process needs to continue on the guys that maybe got onto IR and / or are infrequently making it back out, and yeah, I’m naming a few names – Bugeater, Sundancer, Talkbox, Iron Mike, Santa Maria, Kirk – next time you see that guy, be that other guy with the friendly push to get them back out. The speed with which Dredd coins new acronyms occasionally obfuscates his “truth nuggets”, but that Accelerating Man idea wasn’t wrong. Push those guys to get moving forward again.)

First to arrive at AO. Couple of cars roll in, more runners than cars until 0529. Disclaimer given. Final count was 11, without the scheduled Q, so we roll out.


The entire workout was planned around a partner wheelbarrow up Howland, a short, fairly steep hill in Pellyn Wood.

Mosey left out of Carmel Park, past Bushwood’s, and right into crossing traffic (yikes – close call) onto Thornridge. Stop for Mtn Climbers at Drakestone. Continue mosey with a left onto Broad Hollow. Stop at Kimblewyck for IWs. Mosey up Kimblewyck, right onto Hartmill and to the end of the cul de sac. 50 slower-than-normal LBCs. Backwards run up to Kimblewyck. 50 flutters.

Mosey out to Sharonview. Hang a left and then a right onto Hardison. Stop at the stop sign for SSHs. Continue toward the Hardison half pipe, stopping at Howland for Boone LBCs. Down Howland, AYG to the top, 5 burpees and back down. Backwards run up, 5 burpees and back down.

(Now at this point, the “Q juices” were pretty much zapped. “Running on fumes” may be generous and sadly, there was a lot of time left.)

Stop the Larry Birds who were starting to plank, and head down to Walden Pond for dips and derkins on the guard rail. 10 / 6. 6 / 10. Skipped out on the 8/8. Mosey backbup to Howland for the main event.

Needed a minute to rest the arms, so 20 squats, backwards run up, 5 burpees, and back down. Partner up. Partner wheelbarrow to the top, switching as needed. At every switch, both partners do 3 merkins as penalty. Truly believe this was everyone’s favorite part of the morning.

More LBCs at the top to regroup. Then begin the mile mosey back home. Finish with an extended plank until the clock hit 0615. COT.


Good morning out in the gloom. Little sticky from the humidity but otherwise pretty nice. Writing this from the back deck, where it feels awesome, which may impact that assessment.

We covered exactly 3 miles with a healthy dose of core work and just enough arm work to keep some balance. Q was leading from the middle most of the day. Think everyone was ahead of the Q at various points of the morning. Benny, Lovebug, Agony, Rachel, and Bout Time mostly. File away for future reference that Rachel isn’t a huge fan of the backwards runs uphill.

Chalet – prayers that all is ok with your daughter

Thats all! Appreciate the opportunity, enjoyed it gents!

– Kirk

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Simply Blessed

11 pax showed up thinking they would be running in circles. Well here we go…

Warm up near the hotel parking lot


SSH – 15 IC (In Cadence)

WindMill – 10 IC

Mountain Climbers – 10 IC

Slow Merkins – 10


The Thang

Get to the pond

Start 10 each around the pond

Dips at the benches

Burpees at one place

Step ups on the other and get back to start

Wait on the 6-Mary


Then do 20

Wait on the 6-Mary


Then 30

Wait on the 6-Mary


Mosey to pull up bars

Groups of 3 get 5 pullups while the rest do a called exercise

First round – Carolina Dry Dock

Second round – Merkins

Third round – LBC


Mosey to adjacent parking lot

From Entrance do 1 merkin each parking line till small island then lunges on the way back


Get to the parking lot and do partner merkins (1-6) Flapjack


Mary was scattered throughout this post

Flutter, Dolly, Freddie Mercury



Mario had called a prerun for Bagpipe and so YHC obliged, I got my 3 in and hoped to get a few more in Bagpipe and was happy with 2.25.

YHC did see FNG-Hula Girl hanging out in the parking lot at 5:22 , glad he stuck in for Bagpipe .


YHC showed up after the pre-run and Carmen SanDiego thought we would be doing more running, how could I say no! Also watch out Carmen Sandiego is Qing at The Maul in September.

When reached the parking lot for COP (Circle of Pain) ,Fredo was quick to give me a headcount when I asked of it. He knows it before you can even ask.

Particularly proud of the pax for pushing on those 30 burpees. Tag Along was just confirming on those 30 burpees and YHC thought it was possible

They didn’t complain just pushed as much as they could. True spirit of giving their all. So the M told me the previous night do 10-15-20 and I said sure, well I forgot and I trusted we could do it and we crushed it on 10-20-30. Mario did call me on my slow burpees but YHC thinks he was at his best! Glad I could incorporate some core.


Our new FNG – Hula Girl showed great spirit . Paper Jam took good care of introducing him and making feel a part of the group. Hula Girl also acknowledged his support when leaving too #f3counts . Thanks Paper jam


Also YHC wanted to do stretches. Need to plan better next time… 


Fredo, Snooker and Morning After looked good. Hey guys check out fredo preblast for Da Vinci written some good stuff. Kaboos and Krane looked rigid. I expect they will be Qing very soon. YHC thinks they are ready !


Few more pax I cannot remember sure gave a solid effort.


Mario did give YHC a hug after those merkin walks on each line. Appreciated the support brother. We always need that pick me up, glad he liked it actually made YHC feel good about this workout . Also Mario was my navigator too and timekeeper. In fact I thought of doing more but Mario did suggest time was running short, so glad I listened. Trust me you dont want YHC trying to get you back on time when he reaches only 15-30 seconds before posts!


YHC did attend 3rd F timekeeper , was great to have FNG Hula Girl and Das Boot join for the first time. YHC is training for a marathon so needed some good miles. To do 3 miles, lead a great group of men on Bagpipe and listen to some good 3rd F with new guys joining us too , just simply blessed. YHC could not have asked for a better morning and start of the day.


Please thank Wingman on his hard work as always and particularly  on the new website. He cant even give you a number on how many hours he works for F3 a week for freeeeeeee. Appreciate it Wingman




  • Welcome Hula Girl
  • BRR – 2 teams looking for a single runner – Contact Cheddar
  • BRR – looking for drivers – Contact Firehazard , Cheddar
  • F3 Fantasy Football – Contact Buckeye
  • Isabell Santos – Sept 30th – Speed for Need Initiative – Contact Firehazard or JRR Tolkien

            Idea is to have a bunch of pax push the speedmobile (as YHC likes to call it)

  • New website F3 South Charlotte – you are on it
  • Get on Slack – Useless talk and some good informaiton
  • Timekeeper (3rd F) – Book Screw tape letters (Just started today)


Thank you Paper Jam for the on demand takeout!


Cheddar over and out

Safety First!

YHC rolled up to Fast Twitch in a loaner Nissan Altima courtesy of Figs Auto Repair.  I highly recommend getting in touch with Cane if you need any vehicle repairs.  This Back Blast is sponsored by Figs Auto Repair.  Moving on…. YHC received a new lighted safety vest over the weekend to be used at the BRR.  What a better time to break it in than the Fast Twitch Q.  17 men arrived and the disclaimer was given. YHC is obviously not a professional but sure looked like one once that vest was turned on.  Off to the intersection of 51 and RainTree after 10 quick merkins IC.

RainTree 5k

Fairly Simple… The distance from 51 to Providence Rd via RainTree is exactly 1.55 miles. Down and back is a full 5k.

Windbluff Hills

PAX moved over to Windbluff and did some merkins and planking while waiting on the six. Instructions given to run 3 sets to the bottom speedbump with 5 squats at the bottom and 5 merkins at the RainTree stop sign.

Collected the PAX and stopped at Woodfox on the way back to the school.  The plan was to run a 2 line Indian Run which failed miserably. (Q Fail) YHC made an audible for AYG back to the school. Haze did not hear this and about killed himself sprinting to the front of a dissolved line.  Sorry Haze! With 3 minutes to spare, time for 2 sets of sprints in the SCMS parking lot.  Finished!


YHC clocked 6.2 miles total. The PAX worked hard today. Lots of comments on the strobe lighted vest from many.  Swiper and Alf were most vocal but that’s not much of a surprise. No, this was not an Amazon Prime steal.  It’s made by Noxgear and the SC PAX put together a discount in honor of Cheech. See link and discount code below if interested.  Glad nobody running near YHC suffered from a seizure due to the blinking strobes. There are exactly 60 days until BRR so time to get in some serious training men!

(Discount code: F3NFIA)



Outland BB – Commissioning – The Count – Arkansas

Commissioning – The Count – Arkansas

14 gathered to wish The Count well as he and family venture back to Arkansas to assist other family.  We will greatly miss The Count, but know we will have an AO in Arkansas once he gets it established.   Bullwinkle chose to start his Birthday (34) out the right way by celebrating with brothers at a workout.


The Thang:




Warm-up run around the parking lot


Stretches – Calf, thigh, mosey to the bus lot with butt kickers, high knees

COP with instruction on correct exercise technique

15 SSH

15 IW

15? Hillbilly (I lost count, or actually never really found it)

15 Squats (no knees past the toes, butts go back and down)

10 Merkins (back straight)

10 CDD (back bowed up, don’t hit your head)

Stretch – Center, right, left, crossover left, crossover right

Brick pommel horse – 3 laps

20 Step-ups-each leg

10 Derkins

15 Dips

Mosey to the triangle track and karaoke around one lap, 1st half going left, 2nd half going right

Mosey to the LS parking lot


20 Squats in the middle, 25 Merkins, 20-4count Flutter, 25 LBCs, 20 CDDs

Pinball to the practice football field

QB for the day with 5 Burpees when someone drops the ball. (pretty sure Hair Band threw an un-catchable pass on purpose)

Mosey to the Soccer practice field for the Service Project

Pick up trash – prize for largest amount collected

Mosey to the hill below the oval track

25 LBCs, walk backwards up the hill, run a lap.  (Oops, time running short so axed the next two rounds)

Mosey to the basketball court

Lay-up, right side shot, left side shot, free throw, pick up trash and deposit in the proper container on the way back to the MS lot.

15 Dolly

15 American Twist

10 Jump Squats



Really glad the group can count better the Q can. Karaoke proves who is coordinated and who is not.  Team looked a little sluggish on the football field, but the practice season is early.  There probably was one, but I did not see a single shot go through either of the 4 baskets.  Guess we could try soccer next time.  Stacks and Shoeless Joe Johnson earned $5 prizes for teaching the dads how to pick-up trash!  Thanks to Glass Joe for heartfelt prayer of blessing for The Count.  We are going to miss him, and his bandana.


If we are lucky, we may see The Count at Thrive Tuesday.  Thanks to Bernanke for bringing out Delmar! Mudgear is accepting a redo on UC shirts.  See details on F3UC FB page.  7/15 is the last day of BBs on the F3site.  See new instructions on the FB page.  The Count asks for prayer for the Bruckner family after July 1st car wreck.  7 year old Riley still in the hospital and loss of her 7 year old cousin Lilia. Grandfather and 1 year old cousin are ok, considering.

When the Q Rolls in Hot

19 Pax made the Monday morning trek to South Charlotte MS for Basecamp and awaited the arrival of their sherpa, who rolled in hot at 05:29:30.

The Thang

Thorough disclaimer following Mermaid’s template that included the word safety three times. Mosey to the track for a warm-up lap, then pause to deliver instructions for Four Curves.

AYG on straightaways stopping at each curve on the track for the following exercises:

1st curve: 20 merkins

2nd curve: 20 v-ups

3rd curve: 20 diamond merkins

4th curve: 20 jump squats

Complete another lap performing the same exercises at the curves, AYG on straightaways.

Mosey to bleachers between baseball fields for partner work. Partner 1 runs on sidewalk to top of stairs and back while partner 2 performs called exercise.

Round 1: AMRAP dips

Round 2: AMRAP supine pull-ups

Round 3 AMRAP step-ups


Mosey to parking lot entrance/exit at Strawberry Lane. AYG on Strawberry, stopping at each speed bump for 10 merkins and 10 LBCs. Turn around after reaching the last speed bump or the intersection of Strawberry and Rosecliff, and head back to launch point, stopping for 10 merkins and 10 LBCs at each speed bump.

2 MOM: flutter x 15 and dolly x 15.

No announcements this morning, and we wrapped things up with a fantastic takeout by Jello.

Naked Moleskine

YHC arrived just in the nick of time for my first Q and first post at Base Camp. Hopefully the Pax weren’t too worried about the possibility of a no-show. There were more red lights than usual. Fine group of Pax at Base Camp, some familiar faces, and some new ones, including two 19 year olds, Drago and Bestie (would they be considered Hate-Hate-Hates according to the lexicon?) Kudos to the two of you for getting up before dawn during the summer to post to an F3 workout. When YHC was 19, waking up before noon was a major accomplishment. Hopefully everyone got their money’s worth this morning. The idea was to mix in some exercises with a fair amount of running and keep everyone moving. The weinke called for a triple nickel, but YHC audibled to 10 merkins/10 LBCs on Strawberry due to poor clock management. We’ll hit that triple nickel next time.

Knight Rider and his partner (sorry, can’t recall his name) were out front all morning, followed by strong performances from Hannibal, Margo, Drago, and Bestie, just to name a few. We hit one mile on the Garmin about 15 minutes into the workout, which is an unofficial record for Base Camp according to Drano. Quality mumblechatter throughout the morning, including a brief discussion on the merits of step-ups vs. jump-ups. YHC believes jump-ups should only be performed in areas with grass or dirt landing zones. Simba had an appointment at the offices of Semi Gloss & Co.

Thanks to Drano for the invitation to Q; missed Goonie this morning but looking forward to his Mountain Goat Q this Friday.

Special shout out to Wingman for his behind-the-scenes work on the new f3southcharlotte website, and his tireless dedication running the Comz channels for us.