Only those who weren’t scared at The Brave

  • When:03/17/17
  • QIC: Alf
  • The PAX: Wild Turkey, Paper Jam, Champagne, Doc McStuffins, Van Pelt (R), Fahrvra, Buckeye, Transporter, & Alf (Q)

Only those who weren’t scared at The Brave

This backblast is the only thing between me in front of this computer and me heading out to happy hour.  Here goes.

9 men showed up for the Brave.

At 6:15 the disclaimer was given and the trunk was open to grab the plates and sandbags.  #moans

Carry both the 100 yards or so and drop the sandbags off by the Residence Inn and then mosey down the sidewalk and drop the plates off on the other side of the office building.  Keep moseying around the loop to the next building.

Round 1 (together) – 10 decline hip slappers (each hand), 10 split leg squats (each leg), move clockwise around sidewalk.  Burpee broad jump between trash cans (10 -12 burpees).  Move on to fitness trail for 10 parallel bar dips and 10 pull-ups.  Back off trail and continue clockwise around loop.  At sandbags, 10 sand bag thrusters and 10 full sit-ups.  Continue to next building for 10 jump ups on wall, 10 decline merkins.  Continue to plates, hairburner approx. 30 yards and 10 heels to heaven.  Continue around circle back to start of loop.

Round 2 and beyond…  Repeat AMRAP but add 10 to each exercise (except dips and pull-ups) each round.  Most were half way through round 4 when time was up.  40 sand bag thrusters are super awesome.

2.5ish easy miles.


Awesome work out there.  Transporter, Buckeye, Fahrvra, and Doc McStuffins were tearing it up out there.  WT, VP, PJ, and Champagne weren’t far behind, encouraging each other to keep the pace.

This workout will turn the legs to jelly real quick, so while the runs were short, they weren’t easy.


So The Brave was originally put together by Champagne and MT to be OCR training specific.  Looking back at the backblasts I see a lot of hard workouts, but the uniqueness of OCR training seems to be lacking.  OCR is about running mixed with high intensity efforts pushing, pulling, climbing, carrying etc.  That includes coupons.  Grumbling about coupons at The Brave is like being mad there are KB’s at Skunkworks.  It’s part of the workout and OCR training and should be there all the time.  Deal with it.  This is one man’s opinion and you have a couple of great site Q’s who like to lay a down a beating regardless. (Just none of them there to take a beating today!) Make OCR training great again!

#Soapbox #2

Thanks to Thin Mint for getting me back out to The Brave.  Really trying to make a purposeful effort to hit many different workouts and get more variety each week.  Challenging the body and the brain while getting to know more PAX.

If feel your workouts are getting stale, get out of your comfort zone and try some new ones.  There are lots of great ones every day.  If you are a runner, go swing a KB, plenty of extra KB’s to go around out there.  If you are a meathead go run loops at Swift.  No matter your pace Brat will keep you all together.   I got a refresher on this from Fishwrap’s note to the Metro PAX this week.  To be honest I don’t understand most of what he is talking about.  It’s kind of like the time I took a vacation in Italy.  I don’t speak Italian, but I did flail through 3 years of high school Spanish.  Spanish isn’t Italian, (especially 3 years of poorly learned Spanish) but its close enough to sort of get the idea of a conversation in Italian without really understanding any of the detail.  So to me Fishwrap speaks Italian, I speak terrible Spanish and yet somehow I sort of get where he is going.

So pick one workout a week on a different day than your norm, or different AO than your norm.  Meet new PAX, challenge your physical ability, keep things fresh.  The Q might decide what you do when you post, but you decide where and when to post.  Make good choices.  You could even Q at a new AO.

#End Soapbox

Thanks to Wild Turkey for the takeout.


Announcements – build a wall with Haggis tomorrow.  Sign up for Dad’s camp.

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Alf author

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7 years ago

Killer work out, jelly legs is an understantment! Nice work, want to be prep’ d for a spartan, this will get the job done. Thanks Alf

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