Old School Gassers

  • When:01/20/17
  • QIC: Busch
  • The PAX: Header, Stonecold, Chin Music, Yeti, Dollywood, Joystick, Ductwork, Freedom, Sensei, Baracas, Smokey

Old School Gassers

Great rainy wet morning for a first Q in the last 6 months, appreciate the grace for my forgetting that we were done at 6:15 and thinking we were done at 6:30. You all got a little more than your monies worth this morning.
The Thang:

Mosey to field for 20 SSH, 10 IW, 20 Merkins

Get in groups of 3, speed does matter.

One lap around track and straight to Gassers.

Stop at wall for decline merkins with called up/downs

First two 100 yard Gassers at 70% for warm up.

100 yard Gasser, 20 lunges X 2
100 yard Gasser, 20 jump squat X 2
100 yard Gasser, 20 dry docks X 2
Head to Grandma Mountain and sprint up, bear crawl down in unison with 5 merkins every 10 steps
100 yard Gasser, 20 diamonds X 2
100 yard Gasser, 20 merkins X 2
Core work, 50 half situps, 20 supermans
100 yard Gasser, 20 merkins X 10

Mosey to playground for 3s
Group of 3, one does diamonds, one does lunges/squats, one does 10 pull ups and pull ups are the timer to switch, exercise is over after each person does 50 pull ups.

Mosey back to the parking lot, one gasser for a bit past 6:15

Thanks Yeti for letting me lead, love the guys that come out every Friday!

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Busch author

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