Not that #!$*?! song again!

  • When:1/4/17
  • QIC: Goonie
  • The PAX: Squid, Mr. Bean, Big Tuna, Torpedo, Loogie, Commish (R), Chipotle, Tootie, Tool Bag, Monkey Wrench (FNG), Dumpster Fire, Philmont, Drano, Madame Tussaud, Heartbreaker, Beaker, Mic Check, Wingman, Rachel, Rebar, Lex Luthor (Ruck), Frehley's Comet (R), Marlin (R), Patdown (R), Private Benjamin, Band Aid, Big League Chew (R), Goonie (QIC

Not that #!$*?! song again!

Either there was an unannounced convergence at the Maul this morning, or YHC is developing a reputation for a hard Weinke. Or possibly, MT went on a text/DM/Slack/MySpace advertising campaign last night to prove to everyone he still posts. Nevertheless, 28 pax, including one FNG, showed up at the Maul this morning. Who knows how many regretted it. Here’s why:


Warm up lap around movie theater parking lot, circle up
SSH x 10 IC
ISW x 10 IC
Plank for the Sally Challenge (to Moby’s song “Flower”)

Major #Qfail when YHC tried to modify the screen on the phone and it skipped to the next song. Only got through about 1/3 of the song. Oh well. Had to go with it. There was plenty on the docket. Mosey to the bottom of the Murderhorn.

AYG up to the top. LBCs and Dolly x 15 IC while waiting on the 6. Recovery mosey back down to the bottom. Merkins and plank-o-Rama while waiting on the 6.

Repeato. LBCs and other Mary while the 6 comes up. Recovery mosey back down for Plank-o-Rama.

AYG to the first street on the left, recover mosey back down.

Collect everyone at the bottom and mosey to the rockpile for 2 rounds of:

Overhead press
Tricep curls
Bicep curls
Bent Rows

First round was x15. Second was x10. Put rocks back where you found them, mosey to bottom of MH. AYG to the top one last time. Mary while we collect the 6.

Mosey to launch lot for “Flower” round 2: ab version. Hold 6 inches and bring up to 90 degrees and back down every time “Bring Sally Up, Bring Sally Down.” Harder than it sounds.

Finish with 30 seconds of Protractor. Done.


The mumblechatter began early with this motley crew and only escalated with a disclaimer that only a mother could love. Not many fans of the first Sally Challenge at the beginning of the workout #crowdpleaser. Unfortunately, we didn’t get through it all #Qfail. YHC knew what was coming, so there wasn’t much worry.

Rachel, Mic Check, Wingman, Heartbreaker, and Squid led the way on the Murderhorn. Bean and YHC were right behind that group. Didn’t see who was right behind us #suckingwind. MH is slightly easier when you know exactly how many are going to be called #Qvantage

T-Claps to Lex for rucking this one. He probably wasn’t expecting MH repeats, and probably not too happy when they were called. Thanks for coming out. Don’t know if we’ve ever posted together, but it was great to meet you.

Good to see some guys Back out in the gloom: Philmont, Madame (too much travel), Big Tuna (old and breaking down), and Torpedo (strained vagina).

Other things we learned:
– Bean had to leave early to pick up pickles and ice cream for his pregnant wife. Over/under on how many times that kid is going to hear “That’s so cute you live with your mom and your grandpa!”
– Frehley’s Comet ran the New York marathon in 1967
– All the marathon training has paid off for Wingman. He was moving out there. However, his wife still finished ahead of him at the Kiawah Marathon #trainhardernexttime
– Mic Check is mourning the firing of Chip Kelly. He was certain that was the coach to lead the Niners back to glory.

Need to wrap this up to head to a meeting. Thank you all for a showing up. As always, it was an honor to lead.

Joe Davis this Saturday. You can still sign up. Might be fun to run a 5 or 10K in snow.

MT is running Timekeeper on Tuesdays. He posts about it all the time on Twitter and the website, so just look for it.

Thanks Lex for the takeout.

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Goonie author

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8 years ago

No burpees today, that was depressing. Oh and hard to see who is leading up the MH from the six, Goonie. #nolove

Reply to  Beaker
8 years ago

No excuse for that one, Beak. You were up there every time. I know this because I distinctly remember you blowing by me each run. Sorry about that.

Mr. Bean
8 years ago

Goonie that actually made me laugh.

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