Splish splash, we was taking a bath

  • When:01/02/17
  • QIC: Udder
  • The PAX: Dumpster Fire, Franz (FNG - Andy), Private Benjamin aka Goldie, Cinnamon, Drano, Udder

Splish splash, we was taking a bath

I felt like we should be loading up the ark two by two when I woke this morning. Happy to have had an EH out there. At least 2 of us would be in attendance. No surprise that dumpster fire arrived with the McCullough clown car and doubled our numbers. Looking at an odd number I was downright giddy when drano showed giving us 6. The weinke would stand

mosey out to 51 and down to park entrance. Mosey all the way down driveway and around the baseball fields the long way. Wind up under the far pavilion for COP

Sshx15 – IWx15 – mtn c x 15 – cddx15 – squatx15 – windmill x 15

Hotbox partner up we run a quick loop of the parking lot to familiarize the pax with the route and off we go. P1 does exercise while P2 run around parking loop
Cumulative exercises. 100 dips. 100 step ups. 100 incline Merkins. Sprinkle in some planking and we head out upon completion

lap around ball fields the long way and over to the field house for wall circuit x 2
Flutter kicks x 20
Ascending testacles x 5
People’s chair 60 sec holds w/arm raises x 20
Donkey kicks x 20

Back to lot long way via Indian run

day old moleskin

everyone worked hard in the rain. Our FNG Franz was tested both physically and mentally. Good news. He’ll be back! And he’s ready to [clap] pump you up. DF had some reading time in the field house and “big bag of peanuts” sounded a lot like… well I’ll let ya figure it out. (Tolkien is taking his toll on DF’s mind) Drano challenged the PC and we dug deep for overtime. #crowdpleaser Indian run home cut short by time. If you haven’t made it to big house, you should. The AO is great. Glad to have the opportunity to lead.


new 3rd F tues post swift/Bagpipe at einsteins bagels. Join Madame Tussaud’s for timekeeper. Reading “Legacy”

joe Davis this weekend. There is still time to sign up

q schedule is full till July but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t reserve your q today

Udder out

About the author

Udder administrator

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JRR Tolkien
JRR Tolkien
8 years ago

I seem to have that affect on people, sorry DF.

Still need to make my first post at BH, but it can’t be cold or rainy, or too hard. I’m still in reverse taper from marathon 🙂

Dumpster Fire
Dumpster Fire
8 years ago

Let the record show that I was sounding off on the 1,2,3,4… order numbers on the concession stand located directly above our exercise locale. 1) Hot dog, 2) Cheeseburger, etc etc and Udder’s inner Freud came out and thought HE heard something other than “Big Bag of Peanuts.”

Excellent Q and EH strategy, Udder. Eager to get you back on the schedule. Great use of the covered areas as well as the picnic tables.

Private Benjamin aka Goldie was the #LarryBird this time out. Despite working through a cramped calf he was pushing hard through the distance out there. 2 months in and getting noticably stronger. Same goes for Cinnamon. Dude’s been at it for slightly longer than 1.5 months and can mumblechatter with the best of him. He already has a name for what he’s going to call his first invented workout…Group-somethingorother…what was that again, Cinnamon?

Drano – good to see you out there, brosef.

Welcome aboard, Franz. Heah me now and beleeve me leydah, you’ll be glad you pushed yourself to keep posting in the weeks to come. Now git to da choppah!

Reply to  Dumpster Fire
8 years ago

I’m glad to see the “Goldie” issue brought up here. Private Benjamin and I had some quality time together at RockZero this weekend. Between bouts with Fault Lines’s slosh pipe and standing around watching other people carry sandbags, I asked him about his nickname. I was disappointed to learn that it was based on the movie Private Benjamin (his favorite) and that the PAX didn’t follow the nickname trail one step further to Goldie.

Dumpster Fire
Dumpster Fire
Reply to  Gummy
8 years ago

It might have been because some of us needed the help of Google and/or Microfishe in order to discover what this movie was actually about after the fact. Shocked to learn that the movie was in color!

8 years ago

Really is a great AO. Nice Q today! Excellent use of space given the weather condition.

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