With 12 days until Christmas, it seemed appropriate to bring a little gift to the PAX at Gumby this morning. So YHC scoured the web and poured over the offerings until just the right thing appeared. Details below . . .
Disclaimer, Meditation/Devo: Our soul finds rest when it rests in God.
Tabletop. ~10 breaths
Plank ~5-10 breaths
Baby Cobra ~5-10 breaths
Down Dog ~5-10 breaths
Half-way Lift. Forward fold ~5-10 breaths
Sun Salute. Halfway Lift, Updog, Downdog.
3-legged Dog, Low Lunge. ~5B Twist. ~5B
Plank. Sun Salutation OYO, meeting in DownDog.
REPEATO Left leg 3-legged Dog, Low Lunge. ~5B Twist. ~5B
Sun Salutation OYO through once and continue until meet in Mountain.
Forward Fold, Halfway Lift, Lower down onto 6.
Dead Pigeon 10B Right side. Flapjack.
Knees to chest and rock slightly to massage back for a minute ~5B
Rock to toes. Stretch ankles/toes for 10B
Time to see what Swissa Claus brought for the Pax: Crow (aka Crane, aka BAKASANA).
Back to Plank, Updog, DownDog. 3-legged Dog.
Warrior 1 5B Warrior 2 5B
Side Angle. 10B to slowly rotate top shoulder up, opening chest and gaining more space in the side body.
Plank and Sun Salutation OYO, meeting in Down Dog.
Repeato Left foot . . . Side Angle Right side . . . Sun Salutations, MEET IN MOUNTAIN.
Wide Leg Forward Fold 10B.
Lie down like savasana, neck stretching. Flapjack and repeato.
Savasana and closing.
High Tide has the Q next week
Gumby closed week after that Dec 28
Madison has Q to kick off new year on Jan 4.
Sign up for your turn at the front. http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0f4dafae28aa8-gumby
Thanks again for the opportunity to lead. It was fun to try to come up with something new and fun; challenging, but attainable. And somehow tied to Christmas (Partridge in a Pear Tree). I thought of doing a 12-days-of-Christmas, but that would be way to much like hot yoga, not recovery/stretching. Anyway, I hope you guys had fun trying Bakasana. Let me or HT know.
Thanks for the take-out, Paper Jam.
Stay safe, enjoy time with friends and family, and keep Christ in the center of your Christmas.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened.
Matthew 11:28
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