Can’t Please Everyone

  • When:12/3/16
  • QIC: Buttermaker
  • The PAX: Pro, Gloss, Tiger Rag, Dingo, Nemo, Marlin, Hoover, Private Benjamin, Jet Fuel, McGee, Buttermaker

Can’t Please Everyone

11 men slowly but surely arrived at the Calvary parking lot for what was (or so I thought) advertised as a running workout.  I’m pretty sure I gave some sort of disclaimer but I really can’t say for sure.  We hit 7am and got started.

The Thang:

One warm-up lap around the parking lot


  • SSH X 20
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Low Slow Squat
  • 5 Burpees OYO

Head out of the parking lot and head to Davie Park to the turf field

LBC X 20

4 Corners

  • #1 – 10 merkins
  • #2 – 10 hand release merkins
  • #3 – 10 diamond merkins
  • #4 – 10 wide grip merkins
  • 5 Burpees in the middle between each corner

Partner Up:

All Pax line up on the goal line with their partner. Group one calls an exercise and runs to the opposite end of the field.  Remaining PAX perform named exercise until the group gets back.  Repeat 5 times.

  • Heals to Heaven
  • Imperial Walker
  • Plank and Hold
  • Jump Squat
  • ?????

Start on goal line and bear crawl to center field and then sprint to the other goal line.

Back with your partner at the bleachers for a combined:

  • 150 dips
  • 100 derkins
  • 50 step ups

Mosey back to Calvary for a stop at the rock pile:

  • 25 curls
  • 25 overhead press
  • 25 tricep extensions

Mosey back to the cars for Mary (PAX Choice)

  • Freddie Mercury
  • 10 merkins
  • Protractor
  • 10 merkins
  • ???
  • 10 Merkins
  • ???
  • 10 merkins

Finished with 5 burpees OYO


I rolled into the parking lot at 6:53am and with the exception of the early church crowd, I was the only one there.  I wasn’t expecting a large group due to the cold weather, holiday party the night before, etc. but I was getting a bit nervous.  Slowly a solid group of men started arriving.  I was getting texts on my drive over from Spackler, Bounce, and Gloss stating that they would not be coming due to their excessive alcohol intake the previous night.  Truth be told, I wasn’t really expecting them to show after knowing that 2 of the three were at the holiday party.  6:57am I get a call from Semi telling me that he is coming and asking that we “hang around the cars” until he gets there.  I was a bit skeptical but a few minutes after 7am Gloss was coming in extremely hot.

McGee made a request that we incorporate burpees where we can as he has pledged to do 100 everyday in December.  Not sure why, it sounds awful, but I obliged where I could.  I think I’m missing a few in the above workout description.  I am blaming the “????” in the workout description on the fact that I put off writing this for 2 days.  Sorry.

I knew it was going to be a tough crowd when some of the PAX were speaking of their displeasure in Flipper taking the group to Davie Park the previous week.  Needless to say that when I announced that we were heading back there again, I was met with some push back.  Its only a bit over 1/2 of a mile away so I’m not real sure what the issue is.  That turf field is great and really underutilized.  About 100 yards into the run Gloss announced “I think I’m gonna die” (no such luck).  Anyone caught downwind from him was blasted in a stench of stale liquor and cheap buffet food.  It was around this time that Pro voiced his displeasure over the price of drinks at the holiday party ($6 for a beer does seem excessive).  Pro, next year do what Spackler did and bring a Solo cup of straight liqour.

Pro and Gloss called me out on my weinke and Gloss went as far as to accuse me of “winging it”.  I did change a few things on the fly as I was getting the impression that the distance covered wasn’t to each PAX liking.  We only covered about 3.5 miles I believe which seems reasonable within an hour.

TR was driving Mrs. TR’s whip as his was stolen off the mean streets of DC early in the week.  I believe it is a 2002 Suburban so please keep an eye out for it and message TR if you see it.

Solid group out there today.  I recognize I pulled some people out of their comfort zone a bit with the trip to Davie but everyone pushed through.  Nice work.

No Announcements.

















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Buttermaker author

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