Yes, There’s a Backblast

  • When:11/25/16
  • QIC: Thin Mint
  • The PAX: Thin Mint (QIC)

Yes, There’s a Backblast

One sadclown showed up this morning to Q the Friday workout known as Centurion. The rest of you were either DR enjoying time with your families, posting elsewhere, fartsacking entirely, or in line at Walmart trying to score a TV. Hopefully, it’s one of the first two but with Michigan set to take down Ohio State tomorrow afternoon, I can certainly understand the need for a shiny new big screen.



After checking my phone to make sure I hadn’t missed a memo, we YHC set off into the gloom. The weinke was followed (with some modifications to the partner/team work), but the details will stay in the bag to be brought out another day. YHC on the silent take-out.



In addition to being reminded of just how challenging working out can be without anyone there to be accountable to, I was smacked in the face by a realization this morning. The man I was 8 months ago would have been relieved when no one showed. Nervous about taking the lead, I would have welcomed the chance to get off the hook. Today, the nerves were still there — as I am sure they always will be. But, instead of relief, I felt disappointment that I wouldn’t get a chance to put those nerves to the test. That’s a huge change for me and a change I carry around everywhere in my life. I am now a man who shows up to the neighborhood Turkey Bowl instead of making excuses, who never cancels a work or family commitment unless it’s absolutely necessary, who shows up early most of the time instead of always a few minutes late, and a man who embraces his responsibility as the spiritual leader of his family. I am a different man than I was 8 months ago and I have F3 to thank in large part for that.


Truly thankful for all the men of F3 Nation and everything I have learned and been given in these short 8 months. I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the weekend with family, friends, and football (Go Blue!).

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Thin Mint administrator

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JRR Tolkien
JRR Tolkien
8 years ago

Great work Minty… we all can learn from your example… and should if we want a total transformation into a badass in only 8 months too!

Hope you had a great Thansgiving and POST Kiawah will owe you an attendance at one of your Q’s so you don’t need to scrap the stairway partner carries

Thin Mint
Thin Mint
Reply to  JRR Tolkien
8 years ago

Thanks, JRRT. Probably shouldn’t admit this, but so far I have managed to avoid partner carries entirely. I’m ok with that.

8 years ago

I blame Chelms. No massive marketing effort. Gorging on turkey and fixings probably didn’t help either.

T-claps for the BB. Sure you had a beating planned.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Chelms aka Tatertot
8 years ago

I will get the marketing machine back igear and give TM a chance to exact so pain on the PAX very soon (but not right before or after a holiday – he deserves better

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