Where the workouts have no name

  • When:11/23/16
  • QIC: Lobstaroll
  • The PAX: Duct work, Icicles, Bullwinkle, Mad, Pig Skin, Pickle Back, Bounce, Baracus, 50 Shades, Chowda, Lobstaroll (QIC)

Where the workouts have no name

Posted on behalf of Lobstaroll who’s site privileges have apparently been revoked.  No name for this backblast either, thus the clever title – c/o Baracus

10 PAX joined Lobsta roll on a chilly Turkey-day eve to make some room for tomorrow’s feast.  With a proper disclaimer provided, the PAX were off.

A swift ½ mile run around the track that ended on turn 1.

The warm-up

  • Turn 1 – 25 IC SSH
  • Turn 2 – 25 IC Plank Jack
  • Turn 3 – 25 IC IW
  • Turn 4 – 25 IC Mountain Climber

Instructions provides for the next set of laps and 4 part body concentration exercises.

Part 1 – Upper body

  • 25 merkins, 25 carolina dry docks, 25 diamond merkins & 25 wide-arm merkins
  • Run a lap around the track

Part 2 – Lower body

  • 25 squats, 25 monkey humpers, 25 sister mary catherines (each leg) & 25 jump squats
  • Run a lap around the track

Part 3 – Abs

  • 25 LBCs, 25 flutter (each leg), 25 Dollys & 25 Mason twist (each side)
  • Run a lap around the track

Part 4 – Full body

  • 4 part burpees – 25 sec plank hold, 25 merkins, 25 (in plank hold) knees to chest) & 25 jump squats
  • Run a lap around the track

Mosey to the wall for a wall sit – timer was duration of 100 air presses

Mosey to the area behind the end zone for a modified version of Jack webb

  • 1 merkin & 4 plank walks to the left
  • 2 merkins & 8 plank walks to the right
  • 3 merkins & 12 plank walks to the left
  • 4 merkins & 16 plank walks to the right
  • 5 merkins & 20 plank walks to the left

Mosey back to the wall for a wall sit – timer was everyone completing 3 burpees.

Mosey back to the launch point for 2mins of various plank moves.


  • Toy drive in memory of Olive’s daughter.  Toys will benefit the alexander youth network.  Bounce is the site collection Q for the Charge. http://f3nation.com/2016/11/14/men-of-area-51-and-sobindianland-operation-sweet-tooth-toy-and-supply-drive-all-hands-on-deck/

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Baracus author

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