14 was the lucky number this jumbo moon morning that were able to head out into the gloom.
The warm up:
One lap around the parking lot
20 X SSH
20 X IW
10 X low slow squats
10 X slow merkins
Mosey down to the football field. Sad memories of this weekend for Simba, Chin Music and myself. Happy memories for the Wolfman!
Center of the field count off by 4s
Time for a little starfish
Run to each corner do exercise then come back to the middle do 5 or 3 burpees. Then onto next corner and back to middle
Corner one ten merkins
Corner two 20 squats
Corner three 20 CDD
Corner four 20 lunges
Repeat 3 times
Mosey to the end line and spread out
One suicide using the fifty yard line and opposite end line
Now for everyone’s favorite Mr. jack Webb with running, again spread out along the end line
Start with 1 merkin then 4 air presses after run 50 yards, 2 merkins 8 air presses run 50 yards. Continue this pattern until we get to 7 merkins and 28 air presses. Kurd was so excited he wanted to do another and took off running.
We decided to stay in the same spot and do some Mary
Round one LBCs
Round two the bicycle, Simba had a kids bike with a very low seat
Mosey over too the baseball field bleacher
Two rounds of 20 decline merkins, 20 supine pull-ups and 20 dips. Planking in between
The end
Great job today pax! Sorry about the names and delay on backblast. Actually wrote this in 4 different states. Goonie and Simba thank you for letting me Q, always and honor.
Christmas Party
Joe Davis run
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