With the smoke from distant fires hardly noticeable this morning, YHC gave the disclaimer and got things going with a couple of crates of brick pavers. Here’s what we did with them:
Get a pair of bricks and mosey to the far end of the bus lot. Deposit bricks and circle up for COP:
8-count Man-maker – 6IC
Hillbilly – 15IC
Windmill – 5IC
LSS – 20IC
Grab bricks and head to ball field for the Main Thang.
Partner up. Starfish: P1 stays at base and does designated exercise with both bricks, P2 runs to center and does 10 perfect-form squats, runs back and flapjack. Once both Partners have run to center and back, move to next base.
1st – SLOW side arm raises
2nd – SLOW front arm raises
3rd – SLOW folding uprights (football goalposts)
Home – Mummy/zombie pose w/macarana hand flips
Mosey to playground equipment and find a pullup or supine pullup bar. Count off.
Up & hold 5 count then 5-count descent. Recovery Merkins OYO, starting with 13. REPEATO minus 1 Merkin each round until all PAX have called the 5-count hold.
Mosey then back to parking lot and place bricks ~ 2feet apart.
Plank walk left. Plankorama until all done, then plank walk right.
Mosey to grassy end of parking lot and circle up for Mary:
Dead Bug X10
Back Scratcher X15
One-legged Flutter X 10
Other-legged Flutter X10
Freddie Mercury X15
Mosey back to cars, return bricks to crates and circle up for COT.
No Peak51 on Thanksgiving
Sign up for Joe Davis run on January 7. 5K or 10K option
Operation Sweet Tooth. Site Q is Slim Fast. Bring toys and toiletries the week after Thanksgiving.
Great work this morning with a good mix of Peak veterans and younger blood. YHC tries to offer something a little off the beaten path, and hopes the bricks delivered. I’ll get more before I roll this out again, so we can double up for those wanting more weight.
Apparently some guys haven’t played ball before, because one pair was rotating clockwise, instead of counter-clockwise like it’s usually played: 1st to 2nd to 3rd to home. Or maybe they were just exercising the “modify” option.
T-claps to Tweetsie for the solid takeout.
And thanks to the group for giving me the opportunity to lead.
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