Orchestral fluidity

  • When:11/16/16
  • QIC: High Tide
  • The PAX: Stone Cold (pre-KB), Booyah (pre-run), Tiger Rag (pre-KB), Arena, Fletch (LIFO)(site FNG), Paper Jam, Swiss Miss, Lois, Nomad (R), High Tide (Q)

Orchestral fluidity

10 pax assembled for their weekly stretching of their stretchy/non-stretchy parts, in hopes of reversing a little of the knotting, tightening, and all-around jacking up that we do to ourselves at our other weekly workouts.  Speaking of, at least three of those among us got in a little pre-tightening in the form of a pre-run (1) or a pre-mumblechatter pre-KB (2).  Once our LIFO site FNG found us, indoors (Welcome!), we were ready to begin.


The Thang


  • Corpse pose
    • Reading of devotional by Chris Roberts on Justice, Mercy, & Humility
  • Supine lateral stretch – each side
  • Knees-down reclining twist – each side
  • Knees to chest
  • Hug one knee – each side
  • Child’s pose
  • Down dog
  • Hop to top of mat and forward fold
  • 1/2 lift and forward fold
  • Rise up into mountain pose

Moon salutations

  • Wrist stretch
  • Upward salute
  • Standing side stretch left
  • Upward salute
  • Standing side stretch right
  • Upward salute
  • Goddess (herein after referred to as Atlas)
  • Star
  • Slide to triangle over left leg
  • Triangle
  • Pyramid, passive back
  • Pyramid, active back
  • Low lunge
  • Crescent lunge
  • Hands inside left foot
  • Side squat/stretch (similar to a Cossack squat)(#crowdpleaser)
  • Slide across to other side for flapjack of side squat
  • Hands inside right foot
  • Crescent lunge
  • Low lunge
  • Pyramid, active back
  • Pyramid, passive back
  • Triangle
  • Star
  • Atlas
  • Upward salute
  • Standing side stretch left
  • Upward salute
  • Standing side stretch right
  • Upward salute
  • Whew!  Now, rinse & repeat!

IT band focus

  • Cow-face fold, left leg on top
  • Half Lord of the Fishes
  • High lunge with groin stretch, left leg in front
  • Standing spread-legged forward fold
    • add a twist, left then right
  • High lunge with groin stretch, right leg in front
  • Cow-face fold, right leg on top
  • Half Lord of the Fishes

Gentle stretches

  • Push the wall
  • Clock-face stretches
    • 3 o’clock
    • 1 o’clock
    • 9 o’clock
    • 11 o’clock
  • Prying squat
  • Tight squat
  • Kneeling
  • Seated forward fold
  • Kneeling Achilles stretch, left then right
  • Toe & plantar stretch

Bonus work

  • Cat & cow
  • Down dog
  • Pigeon, right
    • Forward fold
    • Back bend – optional
    • Add quad stretch – really optional (#crowdpleaser)
  • Down dog
  • Pigeon, left
    • Forward fold
    • Back bend – still optional
    • Add quad stretch – still really optional (again #crowdpleaser)
  • Figure four, left then right
  • Happy baby

Corpse pose

Micah 6:8 – “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”




  1. Joe Davis – signup
  2. Christmas Party – signup by Friday!  (11/18)
  3. Gumby – signup to Q – see Swiss Miss or High Tide

Noodle-y Moleskine:

Giving Swiss Miss the day off, and the pax some variety, YHC Q’ed only his second time at Gumby.  There was a huge expectation to live up to, musically speaking, following last time’s movie themes, so YHC leaned upon a Slacker station seeded with Hans Zimmer.  With a little help from the skip controls on the watch, it provided satisfactory accompaniment, ending solidly with the Imperial March.

  • Selected tracks included:
    • Imagine the Fire – The Dark Knight – Hans Zimmer
    • The Moon and the Superhero – John Powell
    • The Prince of Persia – Harry Gregson-Williams
    • Hakuna Mata – Hans Zimmer  (#skipped)
    • Why so serious? – The Dark Knight – Hans Zimmer
    • Why do we fall? – The Dark Knight – Hans Zimmer
    • The Imperial March – The Empire Strikes Back – John Williams

YHC is much better at following than leading a broga workout, but it seemed most were resourceful enough to make out what we were trying to accomplish/stretch.  Or, they simply worked on their balance poses.  That works too.

As mentioned in COT, please reach out to Swiss Miss or YHC to Q one week.  We’ve found some online resources that may help, and we each have a book that you may borrow that is filled with sequences and targeted areas.  85% of today’s routine was crafted directly from that book, including the more complex Moon Salutations (#learnings).  As Q, you may also choose to add-in or focus more on balance or strength poses, whereas we’ve primarily focused on flexibility poses till now.  All will be beneficial.  Plus, you set the playlist (#Zamfir).

Whether running, stretching, or swinging KBs, it’s always an honor, guys.  Thanks for coming out today!


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High Tide author

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